REHAB WORK: 0:00 - 18:30
Spine Roll x 1 min
Ab Roller 1x30 (forward, diagonals = 1 rep)
Scapular push-ups 1x15
Wrist conditioning series
Cable pull downs #4 hole x 20 @ 100 lb
Narrow grip rows 100# x 20
Cable pull downs #1 hole x 20 @ 100 lb
(Kneeling, forehead against bar, slow and controlled)
Scapular push-ups 1x15
Lying DB Overhead Pulses 20/ 12.5lbs (half foam roller under back-very controlled) half hands vertical/half horizontal
Prone Shoulder Raises (lat pull down bar) x 20. Wow. Keep head down. Try to get each rep above bench level.
DB Push-ups 35 (7 regular, 7 diagonal right forward/7 left forward, 7 angled in, 7 angled out)
sPL (Sharp forearm pain in left arm)
DB Planche Leans 3x12r
Strong protraction and elbows locked in. Hollow position throughout. Tough! Keep the lean deep!
Planche Lean Mountain Climbers 3x20r
Keep hollow position and forward lean. Very tough if back isn't allowed to arch or go neutral
Two foot planche hops 3x10r
Rx is 15 but form breaks down after 8 or 9. Focus on abs bringing legs in, not the hop. Keep lean forward and this is amazingly sucky.
Swiss ball planche leans alternate leg lifts. 15 per leg x 3
Tough! I went palms flat instead of dumbbells for more stability. Protracted shoulders, locked elbows and hollow body makes for some brutal reps. Rx is 20.
Frog hops. 3x8
Like two foot hops but land and hold frog position for a few seconds.
Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up and shoulders protracted. Great quality reps. Great tension in the right places.
10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set
1/2 planche holds. 6-7 sec. Legs still bent, but hips off the ground. Tough today!
Last set did prime leg extensions x 20 then 10 dry humps- 10 sec extension hold
Supersetted HBP with RC.
HBP/PE: 5x10 No negative Push-ups. Perfect form. HUGE difference pressing out after negatives even at 90 degrees
10r HBP/PE-iM for each work set
Chest stretches on dip machine/ both arms and then each arm separately
RC/PE: L-Sit Ring pull ups 5x8
Rope walk ups 3x12
5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set
Lat stretch/5lb plate shoulder extension x 5 reps