Friday, February 26, 2016

F7 GST B Squat

Total time: Didnt time today. Great workout! 

SLS 0-16:30

SLS/SE3 10rx2 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

Barbell Squat 17:30- 31:30

135 x 8 ATG

225 x 6 ATG felt super light today. 

285 x 5 ATG nice! felt awesome today. Great depth and perfect form. Belted. Go another few weeks until you hit 6 and bump it to 295 

(28:45) 235 x 10 no belt. ATG. Perfect set. Felt very strong. Great form, the last two a bit tough but easier than previous weeks. Stay in the cave! Come for me Gmork! Atreyuuuuu!!!!   

33:30) 235 x 10 no belt. ATG. Wow! Nice work! Great weight. Mentally tough towards end, but once I committed, the strength is there. One more week at 10 reps and bump weight to 245. 

Great sets. See if strength maintains next week. If not, maybe consider alternating DB snatches each week. 

MN 44:30 - 52:00

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 65#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

SL 38:00 - 43:30

SL/PE10: 3x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Thursday, February 25, 2016


Total time: 43:30
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 171

FL 0-10:30

FL/PE14: 5x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 11:00 - 27:00

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE3: 5x10s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Incredibly difficult. (Started planche work at 15:15)

Tuck Planche

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up and shoulders protracted.  Great quality reps. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 29:30 - 

Super-setted HBP and RC for lack of time. Felt great and shaved off about 4:30

HBP/PE15: 5x8r

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. Hands on 3 plates so I can go deeper in ROM. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC - 43:30

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

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Wednesday, February 24, 2016

F7 GST B (Hamstrings/Calves)

Total time: 55:00 good pace. Faster on squats (increased reps to 8/set) and kept good pace through to end. Excellent workout today.

SLS 0 - 14:30

SLS/SE3 8rx5 @ BW for all sets. Great sets. Focusing on exploding out of bottom. 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

Jefferson Curls 15:15 - 21:00

95 x 5 x 5

Hamstring Curl 22:00 - 29:30
Warm-up 90 x 15
130 x 8 great set
130 x 8 good tension
130 x 8
115 x 12 
Constant tension, no jerking or pulling. Form perfect in every rep. Bump work sets to 135 

Calf Raises 30:15 - 39:15

145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 

Dropped weight from 175 to 145 to focus more on shortening the muscle to the max, rather than pumping out reps. I think there's an inch or two of gold that you're not mining. 

This sucks!!! I almost quit 4 times. Keep this weight for a while. Form is everything. 

MN 40:00 - 47:45

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 65#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

SL 48:30 - 55:00

SL/PE10: 3x8r 

Much tougher when I do these last.

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Total time: 48:00
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 171

FL 0-10:00

FL/PE14: 5x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 10:30 - 28:30

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE3: 3x10s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Incredibly difficult. 

Tuck Planche

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up and shoulders protracted.  Great quality reps. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 28:30 - 38:30

HBP/PE15: 5x8r

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. Hands on 3 plates so I can go deeper in ROM. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 39:30 - 48:00

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

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Sent from my iPhone

Monday, February 22, 2016

F7 GST B Deadlift

Total time: 60:15

Good pace, good workout. DL felt heavy though. 

SLS 0 - 16:30

SLS/SE5: 5rx5 (mastery)

Holding 35# kb 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE5-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 19:00 -41:00 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

355 x 4 felt strong today. Belted. Keep at it. 

325 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good.  Good weight. Great leg drive. (Started this set at 27:30)

325 x 6 no belt Good weight. Straight through. Felt strong. Great leg drive. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. (Started this set at 31:15)

 Conventional DL

295 x 8 Great set. Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 36:30)

295 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 40:00)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

MN 44:00 - 51:30

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats (65#)

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

SL 53:00 - 60:15

SL/PE10: 3x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers Brutal when I do these last

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Friday, February 19, 2016

F7 GST B Squat

Total time: 51:00 great workout! 

SLS 0-16:30

SLS/SE3 5rx5 all sets holding 35# kb Good weight. 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

Barbell Squat 17:30- 31:30

135 x 8 ATG

225 x 6 ATG felt super light today. 

275 x 6 ATG nice! felt awesome today. Great depth and perfect form. Belted. Go another few weeks at 6 and bump it to 285 (23:30)

(28:45) 235 x 10 no belt. ATG. Perfect set. Felt very strong. Great form, the last two a bit tough but easier than previous weeks. Stay in the cave! Come for me Gmork! Atreyuuuuu!!!!  

33:30) 235 x 10 no belt. ATG. Wow! Nice work! Great weight. Mentally tough towards end, but once I committed, the strength is there. One more week at 10 reps and bump weight to 245. 

Great sets. See if strength maintains next week. If not, maybe consider alternating DB snatches each week. 

MN 44:30 - 52:00

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 65#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

SL 38:00 - 43:30

SL/PE10: 3x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Thursday, February 18, 2016


Total time: 48:00
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 171

FL 0-8:30

FL/PE14: 4x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last set broken. Wow. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 9:00 - 27:30

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE2: 5x30s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Awesome form. Mastery achieved today. Do one more week at :30 a set. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows.  Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 28:30 - 38:30

HBP/PE15: 5x8r

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. Hands on 3 plates so I can go deeper in ROM. 

*focus on keeping body in line. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 39:30 - 48:00

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

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F7 GST B Hamstring/Calves

Total time: 58:00 good pace. Slower on squats (increased reps to 8/set) but kept good pace through to end. Excellent workout today.

SLS 0 - 16:30

SLS/SE3 8rx5 @ BW for all sets. Great sets. Focusing on exploding out of bottom. 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

Jefferson Curls 17:15 - 24:00

95 x 5 x 5

Hamstring Curl 25:00 - 31:15
Warm-up 90 x 15
130 x 8 great set
130 x 8 good tension
130 x 6 felt heavy today. Was doing easy sets of 8 last time. 
115 x 12 
Constant tension, no jerking or pulling. Form perfect in every rep. Bump work sets to 135 

Calf Raises 32:30 - 43:00

145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 

Dropped weight from 175 to 145 to focus more on shortening the muscle to the max, rather than pumping out reps. I think there's an inch or two of gold that you're not mining. 

This sucks!!! I almost quit 4 times. Keep this weight for a while. Form is everything. 

MN 45:00 - 51:00

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 65#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

SL 52:45 - 58:00

SL/PE10: 3x8r 

Much tougher when I do these last.

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

F7 GST B Deadlift

Total time: 60:15

Good pace, good workout. DL felt heavy though. 

SLS 0 - 16:30

SLS/SE5: 5rx5 (mastery)

Holding 35# kb 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE5-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 19:00 -41:00 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

355 x 2 felt pretty tough. Belted. Keep at it. 

325 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good.  Good weight. Great leg drive. (Started this set at 27:30)

325 x 6 no belt Good weight. Last few a struggle. Short break between 5 and 6. Great leg drive. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. (Started this set at 31:15)

 Conventional DL

295 x 8 Great set. Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 36:30)

295 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 40:00)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

MN 44:00 - 51:30

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats (65#)

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

SL 53:00 - 60:15

SL/PE10: 3x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers Brutal when I do these last

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Saturday, February 13, 2016


Total time: 48:00
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 171

FL 0-8:30

FL/PE14: 4x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last set broken. Wow. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 9:00 - 27:30

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE2: 5x30s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Awesome form. Mastery achieved today. Do one more week at :30 a set. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows.  Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 28:30 - 38:30

HBP/PE15: 5x8r

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. Hands on 3 plates so I can go deeper in ROM. 

*focus on keeping body in line. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 39:30 - 48:00

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

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Thursday, February 11, 2016


Total time: 46:45
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 171

FL 0-9:30

FL/PE14: 4x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last set broken. Wow. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 10:00 - 27:30

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE2: 5x25s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Awesome form. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows.  Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 28:30 - 37:30

HBP/PE15: 5x8r

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. Hands on 3 plates so I can go deeper in ROM. 

*focus on keeping body in line. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 38:30 - 46:45

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

F7 GST B Hamstrings/Calves

Total time: 58:00 good pace. Slower on squats (increased reps to 8/set) but kept good pace through to end. Excellent workout today.

SLS 0 - 16:30

SLS/SE3 8rx5 @ BW for all sets. Great sets. Focusing on exploding out of bottom. 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

Jefferson Curls 17:15 - 24:00

95 x 5 x 5

Hamstring Curl 25:00 - 31:15
Warm-up 90 x 15
130 x 8 great set
130 x 8 good tension
130 x 6 felt heavy today. Was doing easy sets of 8 last time. 
115 x 12 
Constant tension, no jerking or pulling. Form perfect in every rep. Bump work sets to 135 

Calf Raises 32:30 - 43:00

145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 

Dropped weight from 175 to 145 to focus more on shortening the muscle to the max, rather than pumping out reps. I think there's an inch or two of gold that you're not mining. 

This sucks!!! I almost quit 4 times. Keep this weight for a while. Form is everything. 

MN 45:00 - 51:00

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 65#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

SL 52:45 - 58:00

SL/PE10: 3x8r 

Much tougher when I do these last.

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, February 9, 2016


Total time: 47:45
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 171

FL 0-9:30

FL/PE14: 4x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last set broken. Wow. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 10:00 - 26:30

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE2: 5x25s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Awesome form. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows.  Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 28:00 - 35:30

HBP/PE15: 5x8r

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. 

*focus on keeping body in line. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 38:30 - 47:45

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, February 6, 2016


Total time: 47:45
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 171

FL 0-9:30

FL/PE14: 4x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last set broken. Wow. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 10:00 - 26:30

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE2: 5x25s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Awesome form. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows.  Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 28:00 - 35:30

HBP/PE15: 5x7r

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. 

*focus on keeping body in line. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 38:30 - 47:45

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, February 5, 2016

F7 GST B (Snatches/Lunges)

Total time: 51:00 great workout! 
Note: Cut short today. Time above is from last time. 

SLS 0-16:30

SLS/SE3 5rx5 all sets holding 35# kb Good weight. 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

DB Snatches 19:15- 40:00

70 x 8 

80 x 6 good weight. Forearm strain preventing grip overhead. Stopped after these sets. 

5x5 BB lunges @ 155#

90 x 3 good drive! Great depth and form. Perfect set. Last set with left arm just barely short of lockout, so maybe a full three isn't fair. DIDNT DO TODAY

75 x 6 Perfect set. Great form, good weight. Maybe up to 80 next week.  DIDNT DO TODAY

75 x 6 Wow! Nice work! Great weight. Mentally tough toward the end, but once I committed, the strength was there.  DIDNT DO TODAY

MN 44:30 - 52:00

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 65#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

SL 38:00 - 43:30

SL/PE10: 3x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Total time: 47:45
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 169

FL 0-9:15

FL/PE14: 4x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last set broken. Wow. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 10:00 - 26:00

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE2: 5x25s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Awesome form. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows.  Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 27:30 - 35:30

HBP/PE15: 3x5r 2x4r (first three sets hit 5 reps)

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. 

*focus on keeping body in line. Hands on Palm width forward of mat line. Body on a slight angle, but still gives good resistance.  Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took 1:00 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 38:30 - 47:45

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Total time: 47:45
Still have tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. Spent a little more time on wrist exercises which impacted final time, but I'm ok with it. 

Weight : 169

FL 0-9:15

FL/PE14: 4x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last set broken. Wow. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 10:00 - 26:00

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE2: 5x25s used no DB at all today. Great sets. Awesome form. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows.  Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 27:30 - 35:30

HBP/PE15: 3x5r 2x4r (first three sets hit 5 reps)

Headstand Push-up (dropped bar a bit and kept body stacked at a 90 today just to reinforce the position and get reps with perfect form. 

*focus on keeping body in line. Hands on Palm width forward of mat line. Body on a slight angle, but still gives good resistance.  Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took 1:00 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 38:30 - 47:45

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of Korean Dips x 10

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Monday, February 1, 2016

F7 GST Deadlift

Total time: 60:15

Good pace, good workout. DL felt stronger

SLS 0 - 16:30

SLS/SE5: 5rx5 (mastery)

Holding 35# kb 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE5-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 19:00 -41:00 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

355 x 4 felt pretty tough. Probably had a 5, but number 4 felt like the last rep w/ perfect form. Belted. Keep at it. 

325 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good.  Good weight. Great leg drive. (Started this set at 27:30)

325 x 6 no belt Good weight. Last few a struggle. Short break between 5 and 6. Great leg drive. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. (Started this set at 31:15)

 Conventional DL

295 x 8 Great set. Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 36:30)

295 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 40:00)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

MN 44:00 - 51:30

MN/PE9: 4x4r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats (65#)

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

SL 53:00 - 60:15

SL/PE10: 3x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers Brutal when I do these last

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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