Saturday, June 10, 2017

Road to Planche (Volume)

Note: Felt pretty good today. Kind of a deload week, so this is the first real workout that wasn't way scaled back.

Warm-up A x 3 rounds
Jump rope x 90 sec
Band pull aparts (red band) x 15
Band face pulls x 15
Prone dumbbell overhead raises x 15

Warm-up B
Wrist warm-up sequence
Pike walk outs/push-up x 12

Planche/Front Lever Supersets

Band supported holds (planche purple, FL black)

sPL open tuck hold-
Set 1 - 15s
Set 2 - 13s
Set 3 - 13s
Set 4 - 12s
Set 5 - 9s

FL straddle hold -
Set 1 - 12s
Set 2 - 10s
Set 3 - 13s
Set 4 - 13s
Set 5 - 11s

Mobility between sets
Chest stretch

Superset #2
Pseudo planche push-ups
Set 1 - 6r
Set 2 - 8r
Set 3 - 8r
Hollow body. Touch chin to floor

FL open tuck holds (bandless)
Set 1 - 10s
Set 2 - 13s
Set 3 - 7s

Advanced Frog
Set 1 - 30s slight forearm pain
Set 2 - 25s

Notes: A sharp twinge in the forearm when I release the planche holds, but manageable

Pull-ups (neutral grip)
Set 1 - 8
Set 2 - 7
Set 3 - 6 the

Notes: from dead hang to bar to upper chest

Ring dips (light band assisted for very bottom of movement

Set 1 - 12r
Set 2 - 8r
Set 3 - 7r


Static ring hold
ALAP: 21s shoulders pressed down, elbow pits forward, arms slightly out from body.

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Thursday, June 1, 2017

Road to Planche (Volume)

Note: Body a little achy today. Not feeling super strong but powered through. If Wednesday still feels this way, maybe deload the rest of the week.

Warm-up A x 3 rounds
Jump rope x 90 sec
Band pull aparts (red band) x 15
Band face pulls x 15

Warm-up B
Wrist warm-up sequence
Pike walk outs/push-up x 12

Planche/Front Lever Supersets

Band supported holds (planche purple, FL black)

sPL open tuck hold-
Set 1 - 13s
Set 2 - 13s
Set 3 - 12s
Set 4 - 11s
Set 5 - 11s
Stop the set when hips start to fall

FL straddle hold -
Set 1 - 14s
Set 2 - 13s
Set 3 - 11s
Set 4 - 12s
Set 5 - 8s
Stop the set when hips start to fall

Mobility between sets
Chest stretch

Superset #2
Parallette tuck holds (bandless)
Set 1 - 10s
Set 2 - 8s leaning forward and hips high, not just knees lifted.
Set 3 - 7s couldn't keep hips up very long at all. More limited by forearm pain than anything else.

FL open tuck holds (bandless)
Set 1 - 10s
Set 2 - 10s
Set 3 - 7s

Advanced Frog
Set 1 - 24s sharp forearm pain upon release. Moly. Last time set was 16s though. Felt strong. Hips high, pressing down hard.
Set 2 - 22s good sets. Strong.

Notes: A sharp twinge in the forearm when I release the planche holds, but manageable

Pull-ups (neutral grip)
Set 1 - 8
Set 2 - 7
Set 3 - 7

Notes: from dead hang to bar to upper chest

Ring dips (no bands)

Set 1 - 7r
Set 2 - 8r
Set 3 - 7r


Static ring hold
ALAP: 18s shoulders pressed down, elbow pits forward, arms slightly out from body. Hit 21 last time.

Sent from my iPhone