Ab Roller 2x21 (forward, diagonals = 1 rep)
Lunge lawn mowers 2 x 21 per side/10 lbs (forward, diagonal, and lateral =1 rep x 7) Arm held at a 90 from body to work shoulder in a more vulnerable angle. Dropped weight to 10
Set of 15 scapular push-ups between sets
DB Push-ups 2 x 21 (5 regular, 5 diagonal right forward/5 left forward, 3 archer over right/3 archer over left) feels good.
Tricep DB Extension/Stretch/ 2 x 12/30 lb (very slow, focus on stretch at bottom of mvmt) tough last few. Keep elbows pointing high
Lying DB Overhead Pulses 2x20/7.5 lbs (legs on bench, half foam roller under- very controlled)
6r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set
Glute Ham Raises
Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase.
x10 Hip articulations between a sets
Barbell Squat 17:30- 31:30
135 x 8 ATG
225 x 6 ATG felt super light today.
285 x 5 ATG nice! felt awesome today. Great depth and perfect form. Belted. Haven't done this weight in over a month. Felt really strong. Go six next week.
(28:45) 235 x 10 no belt. ATG. Perfect set. Felt very strong. Great form, the last two a bit tough but easier than previous weeks. Stay in the cave! Come for me Gmork! Atreyuuuuu!!!!
33:30) 235 x 10 no belt. ATG. Wow! Nice work! Great weight. Mentally tough towards end, but once I committed, the strength is there. One more week at 10 reps and bump weight to 245.
Great sets. See if strength maintains next week. If not, maybe consider alternating DB snatches each week.
KB Goblet Pause Squats/Farmer Carry Superset
80lb x 10-two seconds in very bottom of position before exploding up/53lb from bench to mirrors and back-shoulders properly packed x 3 sets.
Add 4th set and up Farmer Carry weight
BB Lunges 155 x 8 left for all reps than right-short rest between legs. Great weight. Left big toe hurts a bit when I do my right leg forward
MN (Supersetted with SL)
MN/SE2: 4x5r
1/2 L-sit Leg Extensions
10r MN/SE2-iM for each work set
Seated Pike Pulses
Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.
SL/PE12: 4x15s
Side Arch Body Holds
5r SL/PE12-iM for each work set
Bent Hurdler Twist 10#