Monday, April 11, 2016


Weight: 170 Up calories a bit and level off around 175 and recomp. Lost some strength and size over the last month. Lost a bit of fat this past week. Keep it up another week or two and then level off and slightly up calories. 

Total time: 

Note: Left shoulder has severe impingement syndrome. Haven't trained very hard in about a month. Still very sore with limited ROM. Saw Craig Galbasini last week and made alterations to training. First week back in gym. 
Once shoulder is feeling better, see 3/3/2016 for where I was in the F7 progressions. Take it easy and don't rush things. 


P bar Dips 3x10 (skipped today since dips are in the workout)

Lunge lawn mowers 2 x 21 per side/12.5lbs (forward, diagonal, and lateral =1 rep x 7)

Wall push-ups 3 x 20

Cable cuff complexes 2 x 20/15 lbs(adduction and abduction) 


FL/PE: 5x6r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last few reps broken. 

Body flags

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift


Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE: 5x30s used no DB at all today. Great sets. 

Elevated Planche Leans (4th hook up on smith machine-hands one and a half feet in front of mat line)

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up and shoulders protracted.  Great quality reps. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!


HBP/PE: 5x10r

Korean dip

10r HBP/PE-iM for each work set

Chest stretches on dip machine/ both arms and then each arm separately


RC/PE14: 5x10r

Bulgarian Row-feet elevated

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

Rear Shoulder distraction 50# on cable machine

Sent from my iPhone

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