Spine Roll x 1 min
Segmented Roll Outs 5 per segment @5lb
Ab Roller 2x21 (forward, diagonals = 1 rep)
Lunge lawn mowers 1 x 21 per side/10 lbs (forward, diagonal, and lateral =1 rep x 7) Arm held at a 90 from body to work shoulder in a more vulnerable angle. Dropped weight to 10
Scapular push-ups 2x15
Cable Complexes 20 per direction/15 lb
DB Push-ups 31 (5 regular, 5 diagonal right forward/5 left forward, 5 angled in, 5 angled out, 3 archer over right/3 archer over left)
Lying DB Overhead Pulses 2x20/7.5 lbs Use 10 lbs next time (legs elevated, bar pad under back, maybe use half foam roller? very controlled)
Wrist conditioning series
sPL Supersetted Planche work with Lever work. Seemed to work well. Much faster.
SPL/SE: 4x15s used DB today to spare wrists. Went to tuck planche today to see if taking knees off elbows will reduce elbow pain I'm feeling. Feels very shaky.
Tuck Planche alternated with Advanced Crow
Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up and shoulders protracted. Great quality reps. Great tension in the right places.
10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set
Planche double leg extension. Bench ends an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!
FL/SE1: 5x7s All sets feel great. Great tension and hollow body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Holy crap.
Tuck Front Lever
10r FL/SE1-iM for each work set
Medium Bridge single leg lift. Arm fully extended. Focus on thoracic
HBP Supersetted HBP with RC.
HBP/PE: 4x5r
Straight bar dip (alternated over/underhand grip)
10r HBP/PE-iM for each work set
Chest stretches on dip machine/ both arms and then each arm separately
RC/PE: 4x5r
Handstand push-ups/feet on bar (very slow and controlled. Shoulder felt OK. Strength was there to do more, but didn't want to push it. This was the first time I've been in HS position since shoulder injury.
5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set
Rear Shoulder distraction 50# on cable machine
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