Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Total time: 65:00 (Same time as last workout, but better pace and stronger output. Awesome pace. Felt very strong today.)

Slight forearm pain today, but not too bad. Very strong. Went a bit long. 

REHAB WORK: 0:00 - 24:00

Spine Roll x 1 min

Segmented Roll Outs 5 per segment @5lb

Ab Roller 1x30 (forward, diagonals = 1 rep)

Scapular push-ups 1x15

Cable pull downs #4 hole x 20 @ 70 lb

Cable pull downs #1 hole x 20 @ 70 lb

(Kneeling, forehead against bar, slow and controlled)

Rotator complex 20r per direction 25lbs inside, 20lbs outside

Scapular push-ups 1x15

Lying DB Overhead Pulses 20/ 12.5lbs  (half foam roller under back-very controlled) half hands vertical/half horizontal

Prone Shoulder Raises (lat pull down bar) x 20. Wow. Keep head down. Try to get each rep above bench level. 

Wrist conditioning series 

DB Push-ups 31 (5 regular, 5 diagonal right forward/5 left forward, 5 angled in, 5 angled out, 3 archer over right/3 archer over left) 

sPL 25:00 - 47:00

 Supersetted Planche work with Lever work. Seemed to work well. Much faster. 

SPL/SE: 4x20s tuck planche today to see if taking knees off elbows will reduce elbow pain I'm feeling. Feels very shaky. 

Tuck planche

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up and shoulders protracted.  Great quality reps. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench! After all sets, 10 reps dry humps. Tough today!


FL/SE1: 4x20s All but 4th set felt great. 4th set faded around 10 sec. Great tension. Keep shoulders back and lats engaged.

Tuck Front Lever

10r FL/SE1-iM for each work set

Medium Bridge single leg lift. Arm fully extended. Focus on thoracic flexion, not lumbar. 

HBP  49:00- 65:00

Supersetted HBP with RC. 

HBP/PE: 4x10r last set only 8. Perfect form. 

Handstand Push-ups (feet at 90 on bar- using dumbells for grip, very slow and controlled. Strength easily there. Ease into the volume.) 

10r HBP/PE-iM for each work set

Chest stretches on dip machine/ both arms and then each arm separately


RC/PE: 4x5r

Pull-ups-slightly wider than shoulder width (ease in-first time doing pull ups since shoulder injury. Feels ok. Keep controlled and stop at first sign of irritation)

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

Lat stretch

Bonus (after clock stopped)- DIDNT DO TODAY DUE TO TIME RESTRAINTS 
Incline DB Press- peg in third hole
70 x 10
70 x 10
70 x 10 tough last few!
Shoulders back and packed- slow and deliberate- no shoulder pain at all. 

Sent from my iPhone

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