Thursday, May 31, 2018


Time: 65:30 faster by 5:30 with mobility between every set. Almost -20:00 from first benchmark. Good improvements. Focus on quality sets now as opposed to speed of pace.

Wrist conditioning routine

Shoulder warm-ups with red band
Pull-aparts x 10 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10

Ring shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders)

Scapula rotations x 10

9:00 - 23:15
Parallette presses (feet on stool)/Superset prone groin stretches -5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side)
BW x 5/30s
BW x 5/30s
BW x 5/30s
BW x 5/30s
BW x 5/30s

Keep stress on shoulders and don't transfer weight to feet at top of rep. Very strong sets. Add reps or progression next week.

24:00 - 31:30
Bent Arm Planche Static Holds
Focus on keeping chest high/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s
9sec +1
8sec +1
7sec +1
6sec =
6sec +1

Felt strong today. Up on every set from last week but one.

32:30 - 42:00
Bent arm press static holds (Parallettes and black band) Pancake stretches x 30s
Try to get all sets to 10s
10 sec =
11sec =
10 sec =
10 sec =
10 sec +1s
Little pulses at the end of the hold 2-3" Very strong today.

43:30 - 50:00
Bent arm presses
(Parallettes and purple band) Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
5r = 30s per leg
5r = slow and strong. Lock out w full protracted shoulders
5r +1 fought for it

51:30 - 58:30
Ring dips (hands turned outside on top of movement) Superset w/Inverted Rows on Rings
(Feet on stool) Then chest stretches
5r/8r =/+1
5r/8r =/=
5r/8r =/+2last few reps tough

60:00 - 65:30
Wall Handstands
27s +2s
25s +5s
25s -5s
90 sec rest between sets

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Monday, May 28, 2018


Time: 70:00 (-4:00) Good pace. Progressed on a few exercises so TUT was a bit shorter, thus the faster time. 

Weight: 183
Calories between 2000-2300. Energy still feels good. 

0:00 - 7:30

Wrist conditioning routine 

Shoulder warm-up

Pull-aparts x 12 x 2 
Windmills x 10 each direction 
Dislocates x 10 

Ring Shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders) 
BW x 8

Scapula rotations x 10 

9:30 - 21:00
High Frog (lags outside elbows, hips high, back flat)/Pancake stretch x 30s 

14s +2s
14s +4s
14s +4s
12s +3s
11s +2s
Up on every set. Hips high. Try to lift legs off elbows

22:00 - 30:00
Parallette Crow One Knee/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s 

L/R 11s/10s (+1/=)incredible cramps in forearm. Wow  
L/R 11s/10s (+1s/+=)
L/R 10s/10s (=/=)

31:00 - 36:00
V Swings (hold at top of both sides of movement)

4r after 4 there's no pause at either end of the swing 
3r -1
4r +1

Advanced crow finisher on ground BW x 15s x 2

37:00 - 51:00
Straight arm static holds (Parallettes and bands)/Superset prone groin stretches (5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side) 

8sec (black band) lean forward with strong shoulders -2s hips falling
8sec (black band) = good quality set. Hips high, good forward lean
11sec (purple band) = same as above 
10sec (purple band) = same 
11sec (purple band) =
Good sets. Increased on all. 

52:30 - 60:00
Ring holds (hands turned outside on top of movement)/Superset Levers on Rings (feet pointed at nearest edge of vent)
22s +2s/15s =
25s +3s/14s =shaky but strong
25s +3s/13s -2s
shaking like crazy at the end. Great set. 

62:00 - 70:00
Wall Handstands/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
30s strong protraction. Great sets. 

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Friday, May 25, 2018


Time: 65:30 faster by 5:30 with mobility between every set. Almost -20:00 from first benchmark. Good improvements. Focus on quality sets now as opposed to speed of pace.

Wrist conditioning routine

Shoulder warm-ups with red band
Pull-aparts x 10 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10

Ring shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders)

Scapula rotations x 10

9:00 - 23:15
Parallette presses (feet on stool)/Superset prone groin stretches -5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side)
BW x 5/30s
BW x 5/30s
BW x 5/30s
BW x 5/30s
BW x 5/30s

Keep stress on shoulders and don't transfer weight to feet at top of rep. Very strong sets. Add reps or progression next week.

24:00 - 31:30
Bent Arm Planche Static Holds
Focus on keeping chest high/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s
9sec +1
8sec +1
7sec +1
6sec =
6sec +1

Felt strong today. Up on every set from last week but one.

32:30 - 42:00
Bent arm press static holds (Parallettes and black band) Pancake stretches x 30s
Try to get all sets to 10s
10 sec =
11sec =
10 sec =
10 sec =
10 sec +1s
Little pulses at the end of the hold 2-3" Very strong today.

43:30 - 50:00
Bent arm presses
(Parallettes and purple band) Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
5r = 30s per leg
5r = slow and strong. Lock out w full protracted shoulders
5r +1 fought for it

51:30 - 58:30
Ring dips (hands turned outside on top of movement) Superset w/Inverted Rows on Rings
(Feet on stool) Then chest stretches
5r/8r =/+1
5r/8r =/=
5r/8r =/+2last few reps tough

60:00 - 65:30
Wall Handstands
27s +2s
25s +5s
25s -5s
90 sec rest between sets

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Total time: 60:00 Great workout. Feeling pretty strong this week. 

Warm-up 0 - 17:00

Jump rope x 1 min x 3
Regular, skip kicks, high knees 
Lower body/back stretches

Box jump/KB Swing supersets 
8 explosive straight leg jumps (30 in)/12 two hand swings (62lb) x 3 sets

SLS 18:30 - 33:30

KB Goblet Squat @62lb/Superset w/Glute Ham Curls on Rowing Machine

20r/10r actually kind of tough on both. Not as strong as last week. You're still gonna do it though. 
20r/10r nice set. Great push. 
20r/9r Legs and core on fire. Took a 10-15s rest after 15r, but didn't put weight down. 

GHC body kept flat, no arch in back or bending in hips

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie. Great volume. Keep this for a few weeks before making any changes. 

Trap Bar Deadlift (all DL sets) 36:00 - 44:45

135 x 10

225 x 10 felt pretty strong. Had more in the tank, but focusing on keeping back and pelvis neutral. 

225 x 10 felt great. Don't push it. Excellent tension in abs and lats throughout the set. Great set. 

225 x 10 Didn't do this today. Do it next week. Ramping up volume again. 

MN 46:30 - 52:00

MN/PE7: 3x5r

Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. Shoulders are actually the first thing to go. Start to hurt towards end.  

5r MN/PE7-iM for each work set

Pike Hang 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

SL 54:30 - 60:00

SL/PE10: 3x10s

L-sits - wow. Amazing how much strength I've lost. I was holding these for 30 sec for multiple sets. Keep at it. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018


Time: 70:00 (-4:00) Good pace. Progressed on a few exercises so TUT was a bit shorter, thus the faster time. 

Weight: 183
Calories between 2000-2300. Energy still feels good. 

0:00 - 7:30

Wrist conditioning routine 

Shoulder warm-up

Pull-aparts x 12 x 2 
Windmills x 10 each direction 
Dislocates x 10 

Ring Shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders) 
BW x 8

Scapula rotations x 10 

9:30 - 19:20
High Frog (lags outside elbows, hips high, back flat)/Pancake stretch x 30s 

New exercise, all times are new benchmarks 

20:00 - 30:00
Parallette Crow One Knee/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s 

L/R 11s/10s (+1/=)incredible cramps in forearm. Wow  
L/R 11s/10s (+1s/+=)
L/R 10s/10s (=/=)

31:00 - 36:00
V Swings (hold at top of both sides of movement)

4r after 4 there's no pause at either end of the swing 
3r -1
4r +1

Advanced crow finisher on ground BW x 15s x 2

37:00 - 51:00
Straight arm static holds (Parallettes and bands)/Superset prone groin stretches (5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side) 

10 sec (black band) lean forward with strong shoulders =
8sec (black band) -2s
11sec (purple band) -1s
10sec (purple band)-2s
11sec (purple band) =

52:30 - 60:00
Ring holds (hands turned outside on top of movement)/Superset Levers on Rings (feet pointed at nearest edge of vent)
20s +4s/15s =
22 +2s/14s =shaky but strong
22s +2s/15s +1s
shaking like crazy at the end. Great set. 

62:00 - 70:00
Wall Handstands/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
30s strong protraction. Great sets. 

Notes: felt pretty strong. Get a little ache in my shoulders, so donft increase intensity too quickly.

Saturday, May 19, 2018


Time: 71:00 faster by 12:00 with mobility between every set. This is the new benchmark.

Wrist conditioning routine

Shoulder warm-ups with red band
Pull-aparts x 10 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10

Ring shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders)

Scapula rotations x 10

9:30 - 25:00
Parallette presses (feet on stool)/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
BW x 5/20s per leg
BW x 5/25s per leg
BW x 5/30s per leg
BW x 5/30s per leg
BW x 5/30s per leg

Keep stress on shoulders and don't transfer weight to feet at top of rep. Very strong sets. Add reps or progression next week.

25:30 - 33:00
Bent Arm Planche Static Holds
Focus on keeping chest high/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s
8 sec =
7 sec =
6 sec -1
6 sec +2
5 sec +1

Felt weak on this exercise today. Mostly in abs. Possibly from my leg workout.

34:30 - 48:00
Bent arm press static holds (Parallettes and black band) Pancake stretches x 30s
Try to get all sets to 10s
10 sec =
11sec =
10 sec =
10 sec +1s
9 sec
Little pulses at the end of the hold 2-3" Very strong today.

49:00 - 52:30
Bent arm presses
(Parallettes and purple band) Superset prone groin stretches -5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side)
5r +1
5r slow and strong. Lock out w full protracted shoulders

54:30 - 62:30
Ring dips (hands turned outside on top of movement) Superset w/Inverted Rows on Rings
(Feet on stool) Then chest stretches
5r/8r =/+1
12r/8r =/= changed from hanging rings to feet elevated. Feels better on shoulder for now. Get the reps high and strong and we'll get back to ring dips
12r/6r last few reps tough

64:00 - 71:00
Wall Handstands
35s 20/15

Notes: felt pretty strong today

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Thursday, May 17, 2018


Total time: 68:30 Great workout. Feeling very strong this week. 

Warm-up 0 - 17:00

Jump rope x 1 min x 3
Regular, skip kicks, high knees 
Lower body/back stretches

Box jump/KB Swing supersets 
8 explosive straight leg jumps (30 in)/12 two hand swings (53lb) x 3 sets

SLS 19:00 - 40:00

KB Goblet Squat @62lb/Superset w/Glute Ham Curls on Rowing Machine

20r/8r Legs and core on fire. Took a 10-15s rest after 15r, but didn't put weight down. 

GHC body kept flat, no arch in back or bending in hips

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie

Trap Bar Deadlift (all DL sets) 42:30 - 54:30 

135 x 10

225 x 10 felt pretty strong. Had more in the tank, but focusing on keeping back and pelvis neutral. 

225 x 10 felt great. Don't push it. Excellent tension in abs and lats throughout the set. 

225 x 10 Didn't do this today. Do it next week. Ramping up volume again. 

MN 56:00 - 61:00

MN/PE7: 3x5r

Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. Shoulders are actually the first thing to go. Start to hurt towards end.  

5r MN/PE7-iM for each work set

Pike Hang 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

SL 61:00 - 68:30

SL/PE10: 4x10s

L-sits - wow. Amazing how much strength I've lost. I was holding these for 30 sec for multiple sets. Keep at it. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Time: 74:00 (+2:00) Great pace, strong workout. 

Weight: 182
Calories between 2000-2300. Energy still feels good. 

0:00 - 8:00

Wrist conditioning routine 

Shoulder warm-up

Pull-aparts x 12 x 2 
Windmills x 10 each direction 
Dislocates x 10 

Ring Shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders) 
BW x 8

Scapula rotations x 10 

9:30 - 25:30
Parallette Advanced Crow/
Pancake stretch x 30s 

30s = could have gone longer, but want to get every set up to 30 seconds
30s = 
30 +5s felt really strong
29s +4  so close. Knees slipping a bit. Hard to keep pulled high. 
30s +2s Great set. Knees sliding down elbows. A few increases across the board. 

26:30 - 36:00
Parallette Crow One Knee/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s 

L/R 10s/10s (=/+1s)incredible cramps in forearm. Wow  
L/R 10s/10s (+1s/+2s)
L/R 10s/10s (+3s/+4s)

37:00 - 40:00
V Swings (hold at top of both sides of movement)

4r after 4 there's no pause at either end of the swing 
4r =

41:00 - 54:30
Straight arm static holds (Parallettes and bands)/Superset prone groin stretches (5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side) 

10 sec (black band) lean forward with strong shoulders +1s
10 sec (black band) =
12 sec (purple band) +2s
12sec (purple band) +2 feels strong
11sec (purple band) +4s spent. Good set. 

55:30 - 63:30
Ring holds (hands turned outside on top of movement)/Superset Levers on Rings (feet pointed at nearest edge of vent)
16s +1s/15s +6s awesome
20s +5s/14s =shaky but strong
20s +3s/14 +2s
shaking like crazy at the end. Great set. 

65:00 - 73:30
Wall Handstands/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
35s 20/15
30s strong protraction. Great sets. 

Notes: felt pretty strong. Get a little ache in my shoulders, so donft increase intensity too quickly.

Monday, May 14, 2018


Time: 71:00 faster by 12:00 with mobility between every set. This is the new benchmark.

Wrist conditioning routine

Shoulder warm-ups with red band
Pull-aparts x 10 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10

Ring shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders)

Scapula rotations x 10

10:30 - 25:00
Parallette presses (feet on stool)/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
BW x 5/20s per leg
BW x 5/25s per leg
BW x 5/30s per leg
BW x 5/30s per leg
BW x 5/30s per leg

Keep stress on shoulders and don't transfer weight to feet at top of rep. Very strong sets. Add reps or progression next week.

25:30 - 33:00
Bent Arm Planche Static Holds
Focus on keeping chest high/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s
8 sec +1s
7 sec +1s
6 sec +1s
4 sec =
4 sec +1s

34:30 - 45:00
Bent arm press static holds (Parallettes and black band) Superset prone groin stretches -5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side)
10 sec =
11sec +1s
10 sec +2s
9 sec +1s
9 sec =
Little pulses at the end of the hold 2-3" Very strong today.

46:00 - 52:30
Bent arm presses
(Parallettes and purple band) Pancake stretches x 30s
4r = not feeling strong on presses
4r = slow and strong
4r -1

54:30 - 62:30
Ring dips (hands turned outside on top of movement) Superset w/Inverted Rows on Rings
(Feet on stool) Then chest stretches
5r/8r =/+1
12r/8r =/= changed from hanging rings to feet elevated. Feels better on shoulder for now. Get the reps high and strong and we'll get back to ring dips
12r/6r last few reps tough

64:00 - 71:00
Wall Handstands
35s 20/15

Notes: felt pretty strong today

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Friday, May 11, 2018


Time: 72:00 (+4:00) New benchmark. Added mobility between sets. 

0:00 - 10:00

Wrist conditioning routine 

Shoulder warm-up

Pull-aparts x 12 x 2 
Windmills x 10 each direction 
Dislocates x 10 

Ring Shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders) 
BW x 8

Scapula rotations x 10 

10:30 - 27:00
Parallette Advanced Crow/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)

30s +5s
30s +4s
25s =
25s +2s
28s = Knees sliding down elbows. Good set. A few increases. 

28:00 - 36:15
Parallette Crow One Knee/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s 

L/R 10s/9s (+4s/+2s)incredible cramps in forearm. Wow  
L/R 9s/8s (+1s/=s)
L/R 7s/6s (=/=)

37:00 - 40:30
V Swings (hold at top of both sides of movement)

4r after 4 there's no pause at either end of the swing 

41:30 - 57:00
Straight arm static holds (Parallettes and bands)/Superset prone groin stretches (5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side) 

9 sec (black band) lean forward with strong shoulders +1s
10 sec (black band) +1s
10 sec (purple band) +1s
10 sec (purple band) +2s feels strong
7 sec (purple band) = spent. Good set. 

58:00 - 66:00
Ring holds (hands turned outside on top of movement)/Superset Levers on Rings (feet pointed at nearest edge of vent)
15s +2s/9s =
15s +1s/14s =shaky but strong
17s +3s/12 +2
shaking like crazy at the end. Great set. 

67:00 - 72:00
Wall Handstands/Pancake stretch x 30s 
30s strong protraction. Great sets. 

Notes: felt pretty strong. Get a little ache in my shoulders, so donft increase intensity too quickly.

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Thursday, May 10, 2018


Total time: 66:30 Great workout. Feeling very strong this week. 

Warm-up 0 - 16:00

Jump rope x 1 min x 3
Regular, skip kicks, high knees 
Lower body/back stretches

Box jump/KB Swing supersets 
8 explosive straight leg jumps (30 in)/12 two hand swings (53lb) x 3 sets

SLS 17:00 - 34:00

SLS/SE5: 6rx4

Single Leg Box Squat

8r x 4 SLS/SE5-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Bridges

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie

Trap Bar Deadlift (all DL sets) 36:30 - 47:30 

135 x 10

225 x 8 felt pretty strong. Had more in the tank, but focusing on keeping back and pelvis neutral. 

255 x 8 felt great. Don't push it. Excellent tension in abs and lats throughout the set. 

225 x 10 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good.  Good weight. Great leg drive. Didn't do this today. Do it next week. Ramping up volume again. 

Add finisher next week. Maybe up top set. 

MN 49:00 - 54:00

MN/PE7: 3x5r

Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. Shoulders are actually the first thing to go. Start to hurt towards end.  

5r MN/PE7-iM for each work set

Pike Hang 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

SL 56:00 - 66:30

SL/PE10: 4x10s

L-sits - wow. Amazing how much strength I've lost. I was holding these for 30 sec for multiple sets. Keep at it. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Time: 83:00 slower by 11:00 but added mobility between every set. This is the new benchmark.

Wrist conditioning routine

Shoulder warm-ups with red band
Pull-aparts x 10 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10

Ring shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders)

Scapula rotations x 10

12:30 - 26:00
Parallette presses (feet on stool)/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5 last one tough

Keep stress on shoulders and donft transfer weight to feet at top of rep. Very strong sets. Add reps or progression next week.

27:30 - 38:15
Bent Arm Planche Static Holds
Focus on keeping chest high/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s
7 sec +1s
6 sec +1s
5 sec =
4 sec =
3 sec =

40:00 - 54:30
Bent arm press static holds (Parallettes and black band) Superset prone groin stretches -5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side)
10 sec +1
10 sec +2
8 sec +1s
8 sec +2
9 sec +4s
Little pulses at the end of the hold 2-3" Very strong today.

56:00 - 68:30
Bent arm presses
(Parallettes and purple band) Pancake stretches x 30s
4r +1
4r =
5r +2

69:30 - 78:30
Ring dips (hands turned outside on top of movement) Superset w/Inverted Rows on Rings
(Feet on stool) Then chest stretches
5r/7r =/+1
5r/8r =/=
5r/6r last few reps tough

79:30 - 83:00
Wall Handstands

Notes: felt pretty strong today

Monday, May 7, 2018


Time: 68:00 (-8:00)

Wrist conditioning routine 

Shoulder warm-up

Pull-aparts x 12 x 2 
Windmills x 10 each direction 
Dislocates x 10 

Scapula rotations x 10 

Parallette Advanced Crow 

25s =
26s +6s
25s +7s
22s =
28s +3s still plenty of strength. Knees sliding down elbows. Good set. 

Parallette Crow One Knee

L/R 6s/7s (+1s/+1s)incredible cramps in forearm. Wow  
L/R 8s/8s (+2s/+1s)
L/R 7s/6s (+2s/+1s)

V Swings (hold at top of both sides of movement)

4r after 4 there's no pause at either end of the swing 

Straight arm static holds (Parallettes and bands) 

8 sec (black band) lean forward with strong shoulders =
9 sec (black band) +2s
9 sec (purple band) +1s
8 sec (purple band) +1s
7 sec (purple band) +1s

Ring holds (hands turned outside on top of movement) 
13s +2s
14s +2s
14s +2s shaking like crazy at the end. Great set. 

Levers on Rings/Supersetted w/Wall Handstands 
9s/30s fell twice trying not to use wall -3s/=
14s/30s +1s/=
10s/30s =/30s

Notes: felt pretty strong. Get a little ache in my shoulders, so donft increase intensity too quickly.

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Saturday, May 5, 2018


Time: 72:00 faster by :30.

Wrist conditioning routine

Shoulder warm-ups with red band
Pull-aparts x 10 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10

Scapula rotations x 10

Parallette presses (feet on stool)
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5
BW x 5 failed on press out on 5
BW x 5 last two tough

Bent Arm Planche Static Holds
Focus on keeping chest high
6 sec
5 sec
5 sec tough
4 sec
3 sec

Bent arm press static holds (Parallettes and black band)
9 sec
8 sec
7 sec
6 sec
5 sec
Little pulses at the end of the hold 2-3"

Bent arm presses
(Parallettes and purple band)

Ring dips (hands turned outside on top of movement)
5r last few reps tough

Inverted Rows on Rings
(Feet on stool)/Supersetted w/Wall Handstands
8r/30s fell twice trying not to use wall
6r/30s 5/3 reps

Notes: felt pretty strong. Get a little ache in my shoulders, so donft increase intensity too quickly.

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Friday, May 4, 2018


Warm-up 0 - 14:30
Jump rope x 1 min x 3
Regular, skip kicks, high knees 
Lower body/back stretches

Good pace, good workout.

Box jump/KB Swing supersets 
8 explosive straight leg jumps (30 in)/12 two hand swings (53lb) x 3 sets

SLS 15:00 - 31:30

SLS/SE5: 6rx4

Single Leg Box Squat

8r x 4 SLS/SE5-iM for each work set (only 3 sets today. Been off legs awhile)

Glute Ham Bridges

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie

Trap Bar Deadlift (all DL sets) 34:30 - 44:30 (only kB DL today. Been off legs awhile)

135 x 10

225 x 8 felt pretty strong. Had more in the tank, but focusing on keeping back and pelvis neutral. 

255 x 8 felt great. Don't push it. Excellent tension in abs and lats throughout the set. 

225 x 10 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good.  Good weight. Great leg drive

Add finisher next week. Maybe up top set. 

MN 46:00 - 52:30

MN/PE7: 3x5r

Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. Shoulders are actually the first thing to go. Start to hurt towards end.  

5r MN/PE7-iM for each work set

Pike Hang 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

SL 54:00 - 63:30

SL/PE10: 4x10s

L-sits - wow. Amazing how much strength I've lost. I was holding these for 30 sec for multiple sets. Keep at it. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


Time: 76:00 can cut this down for sure. Lots of down time

Wrist conditioning routine 

Shoulder warm-up

Pull-aparts x 10 x 2 
Windmills x 10 each direction 
Dislocates x 10 

Scapula rotations x 10 

Parallette Advanced Crow 


Parallette Crow One Knee

L/R 5s/6s incredible cramps in forearm. Wow  
L/R 6s/7s
L/R 5s/5s

V Swings (hold at top of both sides of movement)

4r after 4 there's no pause at either end of the swing 

Straight arm static holds (Parallettes and bands) 

8 sec (black band) lean forward with strong shoulders 
7 sec (black band)
8 sec (purple band)
7 sec (purple band)
6 sec (purple band)

Ring holds (hands turned outside on top of movement) 

Levers on Rings/Supersetted w/Wall Handstands 
12s/30s fell twice trying not to use wall 
10s/30s 5/3 reps 

Notes: felt pretty strong. Get a little ache in my shoulders, so donft increase intensity too quickly.