Friday, May 4, 2018


Warm-up 0 - 14:30
Jump rope x 1 min x 3
Regular, skip kicks, high knees 
Lower body/back stretches

Good pace, good workout.

Box jump/KB Swing supersets 
8 explosive straight leg jumps (30 in)/12 two hand swings (53lb) x 3 sets

SLS 15:00 - 31:30

SLS/SE5: 6rx4

Single Leg Box Squat

8r x 4 SLS/SE5-iM for each work set (only 3 sets today. Been off legs awhile)

Glute Ham Bridges

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie

Trap Bar Deadlift (all DL sets) 34:30 - 44:30 (only kB DL today. Been off legs awhile)

135 x 10

225 x 8 felt pretty strong. Had more in the tank, but focusing on keeping back and pelvis neutral. 

255 x 8 felt great. Don't push it. Excellent tension in abs and lats throughout the set. 

225 x 10 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good.  Good weight. Great leg drive

Add finisher next week. Maybe up top set. 

MN 46:00 - 52:30

MN/PE7: 3x5r

Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. Shoulders are actually the first thing to go. Start to hurt towards end.  

5r MN/PE7-iM for each work set

Pike Hang 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

SL 54:00 - 63:30

SL/PE10: 4x10s

L-sits - wow. Amazing how much strength I've lost. I was holding these for 30 sec for multiple sets. Keep at it. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

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