Time: Focus on quality sets now as opposed to speed of pace.
Wrist conditioning routine
Shoulder warm-ups with red band
Pull-aparts x 10 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10
Ring shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders)
Scapula rotations x 10
9:00 - 24:00
Parallette presses (feet on stool)/Superset prone groin stretches -5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side)
BW x 9/30s
BW x 9/30s tempting to shift weight to feet. Keep pressure on shoulders. Strong set.
BW x 9/30s Strong.
BW x 8/30s felt much stronger than last week. Failed on #9
BW x 7/30s tough set, but strict
Keep stress on shoulders and don't transfer weight to feet at top of rep. Very strong sets. After hitting 9 reps on each set, add reps. Get to 10 before moving to next progression.
24:00 - 31:30 DIDNT DO TODAY
Bent Arm Planche Static Holds
Focus on keeping chest high/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s
9 sec =
7sec -1s
6sec -1s
5sec =
5sec -1s
Felt weak today. :( Last week was a deload so I don't know what's up.
26:00 - 42:00
Bent arm press static holds (Parallettes and black band) Prone hip stretches x 30s per side
10 sec =
11sec =
10 sec =
10 sec +1s
10 sec
Little pulses at the end of the hold 2-3" Very strong today. Arms at 90, held very strong. Work on straightening legs in air
43:30 - 50:00
Pseudo Planche Push-ups
(Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
5r = 30s per leg
5r = slow and strong. Lock out w full protracted shoulders
5r +1 fought for it
Hands on mat, feet on slope of DL platform. Good lean forward.
51:30 - 58:30
Ring dips (hands turned outside on top of movement) Superset w/Inverted Rows on Rings
(Feet on stool) Then chest stretches
8r/10r +3/+2
8r/9r +3/+1
8r/9r +3/+2 last few reps tough
60:00 - 65:30
Wall Handstands
27s +2s
25s +5s
25s -5s
90 sec rest between sets
Sent from my iPhone
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