Tuesday, January 22, 2019


Weight: 187 a bit fluffy. 
Time: 59:30
Calories between 2000-2300. Energy still feels good. 

0:00 - 10:00
Wrist conditioning routine 

Shoulder warm-up

Pull-aparts x 12 x 2 
Windmills x 10 each direction 
Dislocates x 10 

Roll-outs 2 x 10

Swiss Ball Pikes 2 x 10

Scapula rotations x 10 

Ring Shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders) 
BW x 8

11:00 - 29:00
High Frog (legs outside elbows, hips high, back flat)/Pancake stretch x 60s 

20s =
20s =
2s = lost so much strength. Build it back. Legs off arms, hips in air.
3s -1s Legs in air. 
3s  Legs in air. Good lean. 
3s  Great set. Nice work. 

Try to lift legs off elbows. Time increased a bit but increased pancake time from 30 to 60s. 

Go until sets drop below 5s. 

31:00 - 45:00
Straight arm static holds (Parallettes and bands)/Superset bench hamstring stretches (5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side) 

7 sec (purple band) lean forward with strong shoulders hips falling
8 sec (purple band) good quality set. Hips high, good forward lean
6 sec (purple band) = same as above 
6 sec (purple band) started getting a cramp in forearm. This is why you don't slack off, man. 
5 sec (purple band) =
Good sets. Quality. Get to 15s then move to black

Legs held at a 90. Open at hips. Keep back flat and shoulders protracted. Cramps in forearms pretty awful. 

46:15 - 59:30
Inverted Lever Holds on Rings (feet pointed at nearest edge of vent)
13s -2s
13s -2s
12s -3s
11s - 4s 
11s -4s

Keep body at an angle and shoulders packed. Easy to hold forever straight up and down. 

Wall Handstands
30s +10s
20s = felt strong
25s +5s
22s +7s
20s =

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