Total: 58:00
Warm-ups 0:00 - 13:00
Pull-aparts x 10
Windmills x 10
Dislocates x 10
Roll-outs 2x10
Swiss Ball Pikes 2x10
Scapula rotations 2x10
Wrist conditioning
Wall handstands 14:00 - 24:00
20s =
15s -5s
15s -5s last few seconds very tough. Hard to keep shoulders down.
15s -2s. Wrists and shoulders a bit shot.
Added an extra today to equalize tut: 15s
Low Frog Stands 26:00 -
20s =
20s =
20s =
19s =
Holds with purple band
Press shoulders down, elbow pits forward. Focus on driving hips up. Great sets.
Take it slow. You've been away a while on these.
Ring Inverted Lever Holds 38:00 - 46:30
15s =
13s -2s
13s -2s
15s =
12s =
Felt strong. Switched to rings. Much more difficult.
L-sits 48:00 - 53:30
10s whoa. Shaky
10s barely kept legs up.
10s + 1s Nice effort
9s = good job
8s = great sets.
Pseudo Planche lean 54:00 - 58:00
20s =
20s +5s
15s =
Good lean. Shoulder protraction
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