Tuesday, July 28, 2015



FL/PE7: 4x4rx10s 

Negative body lever straddle

Last few sets, descent was closer to 5 sec. 

5r FL/PE7-iM for each work set

Seal Rocks


SPL/SE1: 5x15s

Frog stand

5r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Prone half straddle Planche double leg extension 

Good sets. Probably 2 of the 5 were straight through without losing balance and touching a toe down. Other than that, strength not a problem.  


HBP/PE9: 5x5r

Korean straight bar dip- Tough getting past the booty unless there's a little swing

Last set only got 3

30s HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

reach underneath static


RC/PE10: 5 x 5r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last set ended a little ugly as far as fully extended legs, but passable. 

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


Incline dumbbell curls/Tricep cable press downs 3 sets

40/80 x 6/8 x 2 sets

30/87 x 8/8 x 1 set

Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Total time: 

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Sent from my iPhone

Monday, July 27, 2015

F7 GST B Deadlift


SL/PE5: 4x8r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends (41 lb kb)


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE2: 4x15s

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl

Sumo Deadlift

225 x 5

345 x 4 great set. Solid form. Belted. Keep weight until 5. Felt heavy, but after first rep, form felt good. Good drive. 

315 x 6 no belt. Great form, slight breather between 5 & 6. Felt good. 

315 x 6 no belt Good set. Last one or two a bit tough. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. 

 Conventional DL

285 x 8 Good weight. Grip failing at the end. Non-dominant grip 

285 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. 

Total time:

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Thursday, July 23, 2015

F7 GST B Squat


SL/PE5: 4x8r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends 44lbs 


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE1: 5x5r

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE1-iM for each work set

WRS #1-4

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl

Barbell Squat

225 x 5

295 x 5 great set. Perfect form and excellent depth. Belted. Go one more week before going to 315. 

265 x 6 no belt. Perfect set. Great form, tough last one.  

265 x 5 no belt Wow! Great weight. Did 7 last week, so really hit it hard next time. Not sure what the issue was. Let's take work sets to 8 reps before increasing weight. 

Total time: 66:00

Wednesday, July 22, 2015



FL/PE7: 4x4rx10s 

Negative body lever straddle

Last few sets, descent was closer to 5 sec. 

5r FL/PE7-iM for each work set

Seal Rocks


SPL/SE1: 5x15s

Frog stand

5r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Prone half straddle Planche double leg extension 

Good sets. Probably 2 of the 5 were straight through without losing balance and touching a toe down. Other than that, strength not a problem.  


HBP/PE9: 5x5r

Korean straight bar dip- Tough getting past the booty unless there's a little swing

Last set only got 3

30s HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

reach underneath static


RC/PE10: 5 x 5r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last set ended a little ugly as far as fully extended legs, but passable. 

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


Incline dumbbell curls/Tricep cable press downs 3 sets

40/80 x 6/8 x 2 sets

30/87 x 8/8 x 1 set

Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Total time: 

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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

F7 GST B Deadlift


SL/PE5: 4x10r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends (41 lb kb)


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE2: 4x15s

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl


SL/PE5: 4x8r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends (41 lb kb)


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE2: 4x15s

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl

Sumo Deadlift

225 x 5

345 x 4 great set. Solid form. Belted. Keep weight one more week. Felt heavy, but after first rep, form felt good. Good drive. 

305 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good. Non-dominant grip. Feels a little awkward. 

305 x 6 no belt Good set. Last one or two a bit tough. Focus on maintaining form. Keep weight one more week. 

 Conventional DL

285 x 7 Good weight. Grip failing at the end. 7 was rough, but good form. 

285 x  8 really good weight. Great set. 

Total time: 

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Monday, July 20, 2015



FL/PE7: 4x4rx10s 

Negative body lever straddle

Last few sets, descent was closer to 5 sec. 

5r FL/PE7-iM for each work set

Seal Rocks


SPL/SE1: 5x15s

Frog stand

5r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Prone half straddle Planche double leg extension 


HBP/PE9: 5x5r

Korean straight bar dip- Tough getting past the booty unless there's a little swing

Last set only got 3

30s HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

reach underneath static


RC/PE10: 5 x 5r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last set ended a little ugly as far as fully extended legs, but passable. 

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Total time: 

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Sunday, July 19, 2015



FL/PE7: 4 x 4r x 10s 

Did first three Rx, 4th set collapsed on 3. Could do 5 sets if they weren't all held for 10s. 5th set done straight through, maybe 5 sec decline. Slight twinge in mid back where spine is in floor. 

Negative body lever straddle

5r FL/PE7-iM for each work set

Seal Rocks


SPL/SE1: 5x15s

Frog stand

10r SPL/PE6-iM for each work set

Prone half straddle Planche single leg extension 


HBP/PE9: 5x3r

Korean straight bar dip- Tough clearing the booty

30s HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

reach underneath static


RC/PE10: 5 x 5r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last two sets ended a little ugly as far as fully extended legs, but passable. 

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


8 neutral grip chins/8 ring dips 

7 neutral grip chins/ 7 ring dips

*dips controlled and smooth. Straight line. 

Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Total time: 

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Thursday, July 16, 2015

F7 GST B Squat


SL/PE5: 4x8r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends 44lbs 


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE1: 5x5r

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE1-iM for each work set

WRS #1-4

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl

Barbell Squat

225 x 5

295 x 5 great set. Perfect form and excellent depth. Belted. Go one more week before going to 315. 

265 x 6 no belt. Perfect set. Great form, tough last one.  

265 x 7 no belt Wow! Tough 7. Great weight. Great workout today. Let's take work sets to 8 reps before increasing weight. 

Total time: 66:00

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Tuesday, July 14, 2015

F7 GST B Deadlift


SL/PE5: 4x10r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends (41 lb kb)


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE2: 4x15s

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl


SL/PE5: 4x8r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends (41 lb kb)


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE2: 4x15s

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl

Sumo Deadlift

225 x 5

345 x 4 great set. Solid form. Belted. Keep weight another week or two. 

305 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good. 

305 x 6 no belt Good set. Last one or two a bit tough. Focus on maintaining form. Keep weight one more week. 

 Conventional DL

275 x 8 Good weight. Fast and smooth. Grip failing at the end. Hands a bit torn up. 

275 x 8 really good weight. Go to 285 next week. 

Total time: 

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Monday, July 13, 2015



FL/PE7: 5x5rx10s 

Did first three Rx, 4th set collapsed on 3. Could do 5 sets if they weren't all held for 10s. 5th set done straight through, maybe 5 sec decline. Slight twinge in mid back where spine is in floor. 

Negative body lever straddle

5r FL/PE7-iM for each work set

Seal Rocks


SPL/PE6: 5x30s

Elevated Planche lean

10r SPL/PE6-iM for each work set

Prone half straddle Planche single leg extension 


HBP/PE9: 5x5r

Korean straight bar dip- Tough last few reps, but form still strong on all sets 

30s HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

reach underneath static


RC/PE10: 5 x 5r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last two sets ended a little ugly as far as fully extended legs, but passable. 

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


8 neutral grip chins/8 ring dips 

7 neutral grip chins/ 7 ring dips

*dips controlled and smooth. Straight line. 

Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Total time: 

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Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, July 11, 2015



FL/PE6: 5x36r 

Hollow Body Rock

*rough last set. Broken

5r FL/PE6-iM for each work set

Shoulder bridge


SPL/PE4: 5x30s

Single Arm Straight Arm Plank

Perfect time and number of sets. Last one spent!

10r SPL/PE4-iM for each work set

Straddle reverse donkey kicks

*great sets. Those donkey kicks suck. 


HBP/PE8: 5x10r

Reverse grip straight bar dip- Tough last few reps, but form still strong on all sets 

5r HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

Cat pulses


RC/PE10: 5 x 5r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last two sets ended a little ugly as far as fully extended legs, but passable. 

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


8 neutral grip chins/8 ring dips 

7 neutral grip chins/ 7 ring dips

*dips controlled and smooth. Straight line. 

Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Total time: 

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Friday, July 10, 2015

F7 B GST Squat


SL/PE5: 4x8r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends 44lbs 


MN/PE5: 5x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE1: 5x5r

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE1-iM for each work set

WRS #1-4

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl

Barbell Squat

225 x 5

295 x 4 great set. Perfect form and excellent depth. Belted. Go to 5 reps before bumping weight up. 

265 x 6 no belt. Perfect set. Great form, tough last one. Can hit 7 next week. 

265 x 6 no belt Wow. Great weight. Great workout today. Let's take work sets to 8 reps before increasing weight. 

Total time: 

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Thursday, July 9, 2015



FL/PE6: 5x36r 

Hollow Body Rock

*rough last set. Broken

5r FL/PE6-iM for each work set

Shoulder bridge


SPL/PE4: 5x30s

Single Arm Straight Arm Plank

Perfect time and number of sets. Last one spent!

10r SPL/PE4-iM for each work set

Straddle reverse donkey kicks

*great sets. Those donkey kicks suck. 


HBP/PE8: 5x10r

Reverse grip straight bar dip- Tough last few reps, but form still strong on all sets 

5r HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

Cat pulses


RC/PE10: 5 x 5r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last two sets ended a little ugly as far as fully extended legs, but passable. 

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


8 neutral grip chins/8 ring dips 

7 neutral grip chins/ 7 ring dips

*dips controlled and smooth. Straight line. 

Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Total time: 

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 8, 2015



SL/PE5: 4x10r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends (41 lb kb)


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE2: 4x15s

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl


SL/PE5: 4x10r

Twisting Arch Ups

*last few sets tough! Good effort. Lower back is lit up!

5r SL/PE5-iM for each work set 

Standing Weighted Oblique Bends (41 lb kb)


MN/PE5: 4x5r

1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts

1r MN/PE5-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Walk


SLS/SE2: 4x15s

Hawaiian Squat

*balance a bit tricky, but strength definitely there.

5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set

Shoulder Bridge Leg Curl

Sumo Deadlift

225 x 5

335 x 5 great set. Solid form. Beltless. Tried 355 and only got one. Went back to 335 and last set was rough! I think we need to up carbs a bit for a week. My weight dropped pretty quick to 176, so traveling may have had an impact on strength. Keep this weight one more week. 

305 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good. Last one a bit of a grind. 

305 x 6 no belt Good set. Last one or two a bit tough. Focus on maintaining form. Up work set weight to 305. 

 Conventional DL

275 x 8 Good weight. Fast and smooth. Grip failing at the end. Hands a bit torn up. 

275 x 6 really good weight for another week. Felt a little twinge in my left knee so I wrapped it up, but the set was tough. 

Total time: 

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Tuesday, July 7, 2015



FL/PE6: 5x36r 

Hollow Body Rock

*rough last set. Broken

5r FL/PE6-iM for each work set

Shoulder bridge


SPL/PE4: 5x30s

Single Arm Straight Arm Plank

Perfect time and number of sets. Last one spent!

10r SPL/PE4-iM for each work set

Straddle reverse donkey kicks

*great sets. Those donkey kicks suck. 


HBP/PE8: 5x10r

Reverse grip straight bar dip- Tough last few reps, but form still strong on all sets 

5r HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

Cat pulses


RC/PE10: 5 x 5r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last two sets ended a little ugly as far as fully extended legs, but passable. 

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


8 neutral grip chins/8 ring dips 

7 neutral grip chins/ 7 ring dips

*dips controlled and smooth. Straight line. 

Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Total time: 

Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, July 1, 2015



FL/PE6: 4x36r 

Hollow Body Rock

*rough last set. Broken

5r FL/PE6-iM for each work set

Shoulder bridge


SPL/PE4: 4x30s

Single Arm Straight Arm Plank

Perfect time and number of sets. Last one spent!

10r SPL/PE4-iM for each work set

Straddle reverse donkey kicks

*great sets. Those donkey kicks suck. 


HBP/PE8: 5x10r

Reverse grip straight bar dip- Tough last few reps, but form still strong on all sets 

5r HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

Cat pulses


RC/PE6: 4x30s

Chin up Holds

All four sets straight through, no break! Nice work. 

10r RC/PE6-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff


8 neutral grip chins/8 ring dips 

7 neutral grip chins/ 7 ring dips

*dips controlled and smooth. Straight line. 

Elevated Feet- Planche Push-ups 

10r x 3

Side DB Lateral Raises 

20# 8r x 3

Total time: 

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