Friday, November 6, 2015


Total time 53:00

SLS 0-9:30 sucky. 

SLS/SE5: 5x3r

Single Leg Squat 

5r SLS/SE3 -iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raise

Good set. Minimize arm involvement in both eccentric and concentric movement

Barbell Squat 11:30 - 29:15

135 x 8 ATG

225 x 8 ATG

225 x 8 no belt. ATG

Cosak Squats bar x 8 per side x 2 sets

SL 30:15- 40:15

SL/PE6: 5x10r

Circling Arch Ups

5r SL/PE6-iM for each work set 

Outside Inside Outside Backs

I'm doing 6r (3 each direction)


MN 41:20 - 53:00

MN/PE7: 5x5r

Under Grip Hanging Leg Lifts

Focus on compression happening at hips, not lats pulling away from bar. Makes ALL the difference. Watch that form. Gets tough!

30s MN/PE7-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Hold (55#)

Great job today. A few min longer, but progressed on SLS to mastery and really focused on killer form on squats. Bringing ATG on every rep to really strengthen all aspects of the movement and maximize mobility. Energy low today. Really feeling the calorie restriction. 

Sent from my iPhone

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