Friday, October 12, 2018


Time: Focus on quality sets now as opposed to speed of pace.

Wrist conditioning routine

Shoulder warm-ups with red band
Pull-aparts x 10 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10

Ring shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders)

Scapula rotations x 10

9:00 - 24:00
Parallette presses (feet on stool)/Superset pancakes 60s hold)
BW x 10/60s
BW x 10/60s tempting to shift weight to feet. Keep pressure on shoulders. Strong set.
BW x 10/60s Strong.
BW x 10/60s felt much stronger than last week.
BW x 10/60s tough set, but strict

Keep stress on shoulders and don't transfer weight to feet at top of rep. Very strong sets. Added one rep to every set, two on the last two. Strong today. Get to 10 before moving to next progression.

24:00 - 31:30 DIDNT DO TODAY
Bent Arm Planche Static Holds
Focus on keeping chest high/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s
9 sec =
7sec -1s
6sec -1s
5sec =
5sec -1s

26:00 - 42:00
Bent arm press static holds (Parallettes and black band) Prone hip stretches x 30s per side

10 sec =
11sec =
10 sec =
10 sec +1s
10 sec
Little pulses at the end of the hold 2-3" Very strong today. Arms at 90, held very strong. Work on straightening legs in air. Shoulders protracted

43:30 - 50:00
Pseudo Planche Push-ups
(Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
5r = 30s per leg
5r = slow and strong. Lock out w full protracted shoulders
5r = stronger than previous week. Keep forward.

Hands on mat, feet on slope of DL platform. Good lean forward.

51:30 - 58:30
Ring dips (hands turned outside on top of movement) Superset w/Inverted Rows on Rings
(Feet on stool) Then chest stretches
9r/10r +1/=
8r/10r =/+1
8r/9r +3/+2 last few reps tough

60:00 - 65:30
Wall Handstands
27s +2s
25s +5s
25s -5s
90 sec rest between sets

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