Time: 67:00 (-1:00)
Weight: 183
Calories between 2000-2300. Energy still feels good.
0:00 - 7:30
Pull-aparts x 12 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10
20s =
20s =
10 sec (purple band) lean forward with strong shoulders hips falling
10 sec (purple band) good quality set. Hips high, good forward lean
11sec (purple band) = same as above
11sec (purple band)
11sec (purple band) =
0:00 - 7:30
Wrist conditioning routine
Shoulder warm-up
Pull-aparts x 12 x 2
Windmills x 10 each direction
Dislocates x 10
Ring Shoulder Cubans (sit-ups from prone to wide shoulders)
BW x 8
Scapula rotations x 10
8:30 - 29:30
High Frog (legs outside elbows, hips high, back flat)/Pancake stretch x 60s
Scapula rotations x 10
8:30 - 29:30
High Frog (legs outside elbows, hips high, back flat)/Pancake stretch x 60s
20s =
20s =
5s = Legs off arms, hips in air. Strong.
5s = Legs in air. Strong set.
5s = Legs in air. Good lean.
6s +2s Great set. Nice work.
21s = Great lean. Lift pressure off elbows
21s = Great lean. Lift pressure off elbows
20s =
Left time from last workout up, but was struggling today. Hopefully, I'm just having an off day. Was struggling to stay in the air 3s.
Try to lift legs off elbows. Time increased a bit but increased pancake time from 30 to 60s.
Go for 6s on each set now.
27:00 - xx:xx DIDN'T DO
Parallette Crow One Knee/Superset with thoracic stretch x 30s
L/R 6s/5s (-4/-5)incredible cramps in forearm. Wow
L/R 9s/9s (+1/+2 ) Didn't do
L/R 8s/6s (-3/-4) Didn't do. Cramps killing in the forearm.
Dropped in time, but leg was more fully extended behind me and lean forward was increased. Great sets.
30:30 - 36:30
V Swings (hold at top of both sides of movement)
4r after 4 there's no pause at either end of the swing
4r =
4r =
Advanced crow finisher on ground BW x 15s x 2
38:00 - 50:00
Straight arm static holds (Parallettes and bands)/Superset prone groin stretches (5 pulses and 30 s hold on each side)
10 sec (purple band) lean forward with strong shoulders hips falling
10 sec (purple band) good quality set. Hips high, good forward lean
11sec (purple band) = same as above
11sec (purple band)
11sec (purple band) =
Good sets. Quality. Get to 15s then move to black
Legs held at a 90. Open at hips. Keep back flat and shoulders protracted. Cramps in forearms pretty awful.
51:00 - 59:00
51:00 - 59:00
Ring holds (hands turned outside on top of movement)/Superset Levers on Rings (feet pointed at nearest edge of vent)
25s =/15s =
25s =/15s =
25s =/15s = shaky but strong
25s =/15s +2s
shaking like crazy at the end. Great set.
60:00 - 67:00
Wall Handstands/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
25s strong protraction. Great sets.
60:00 - 67:00
Wall Handstands/Superset with hamstring stretch (back leg elevated)
25s strong protraction. Great sets.
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