Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Total time: 46:30
Still have acute tendonitis in forearms and elbows, but resumed Rx. Took out planche leans and reverse curls for now. Good pace. Felt strong today. 

Weight : 172

FL 0-9:30

FL/PE14: 4x4r All sets feel great. Great tension and body shape. Tough towards end. Keep movement controlled. Last set broken. Wow. 

Kip Extension 

10r FL/PE14-iM for each work set

Low Bridge single leg lift

sPL 10:30 - 25:00

Wrist conditioning series

SPL/SE2: 5x25s used no DB at all today. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows.  Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

Forearms still killing today. Strain is unbearable. Palms facing backwards on DB. Seems to be a little easier on forearms than sideways or forwards. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends  an inch or two above navel. Hang way off bench!

HBP 26:30 - 36:30

HBP/PE15: 3x5r 2x4r (first three sets hit 5 reps)

Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Hands on Palm width forward of mat line. Body on a slight angle, but still gives good resistance.  Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took 1:00 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 37:15 - 46:30

RC/PE14: 5x5r Pulling all the way until neck hits bar or it doesn't count. Dropping to a dead hang between reps. 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Bonus: 3 sets of DB Incline Bench #75 x 10

Sent from my iPhone

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