Tuesday, January 12, 2016

F7 GST B Deadlift

Total time: 54:30 

Good pace, good workout. About 4:00 faster than last best, and progressed on DL. Good workout today. 

SLS 0 - 13:00

SLS/SE5: 5rx5 (mastery)

Holding 25# kb 

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE5-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 16:00 -38:45 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

355 x 5 felt pretty good. Probably had a 6, but number 5 felt like the last rep w/ perfect form. Belted. 

325 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good.  Good weight. Felt strong. Go to 330 next week. (Started this set at 24:00)

325 x 6 no belt Good weight. Last few a struggle. Short break between 5 and 6. Great leg drive. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. (Started this set at 28:15)

 Conventional DL

295 x 8 Great set. Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 32:30)

290 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 36:00)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

SL 40:45 - 47:15

SL/PE10: 4x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

MN 48:00 - 54:30

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

Sent from my iPhone

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