Segmented roll outs @ 5 per segment 5 lb dumbbells
Ab Roller 1x30 (forward, diagonals = 1 rep)
Lying DB Overhead Pulses 2x20/10 lbs (half foam roller under- very controlled) half hands horizontal, half hands vertical
DB Push-ups 30 reps (6 regular, 6 diagonal right forward/6 left forward, 6 hands angled in, 6 hands angled out, feels good.) No touch down between hand positions.
Dynamic leg/ankle stretches
KB Swings
56lb X 15
56lb X 15
56lb X 15
Jump rope x 3 rounds @ 1 min each
Hops, alternate kicks, knees up
10r for each work set
Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls
Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase.
x10 Hip articulations between a sets
KB Goblet Pause Squats/Farmer Carry Superset
80lb x 10-two seconds in very bottom of position before exploding up/62lb from bench to mirrors and back-shoulders properly packed x 4 sets.
KB Walking Lunges 53 x 12 x 3 sets left for all reps than right-short rest between legs. Great weight. (Width of rubber matted area x 2 per set)
w/SL) 57:00- 68:30
MN/SE3: 5x5r
L-sit Leg Extensions
5r MN/SE3-iM for each work set
Straddle Jefferson Curls
45# plate
SL/PE13: 5x12r
Side Arch Body Rocks
10s SL/PE13-iM for each work set
Bent Hurdler Static 10#
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