Wednesday, August 26, 2020


1. Tibialis Raise x 25 reps

2. FHL Calf Raise x 25
Leaning against wall back your feet until at full ankle stretch and heels barely touching floor. Do calf raises driving through the big toe.

3. Tibialis Raise x 25

4. KOT Calf Raise x 25
Stand arms length from wall, bend knees until heels want to come up. Body should be parallel to wall with feet trailing behind trailing.

5. Patrick Step x 25 reps
Standing on one foot, reach opposite heel to the floor. Lower slowly, try to extend range touch heel and press back up.

6. ATG Split Squat 5 x 5
Feet hip width apart. Rear foot stays on toes, knee never touched ground. Forward foot starts flat, heel lifts at bottom of movement. Heel ends up directly under butt. Contract rear flute to keep leg elevated.

Left knee not all the way forward. Hurts real bad about half way down.

7. KOT Squat 5 x 5
Using wall or couch or chair, squat by letting knees fall forward and body stays rigid. Flex abs and glutes to stay steady on the way down and on the way back up. Push knees forward little by little.

8. Elephant Walk 30 reps per leg
In a pike, bend one knee and stretch the other to full stretch. The goal is to work hands closer and closer to feet.

9. L-sit 60s total goal
4 sets of 10s and I was spent today.

10. Couch stretch 60s per leg
Back leg against wall. Work to sit straight up against wall, foot in dimple of butt cheek.

11. Outer Glute Stretch
Find high surface, rotate leg sideways so lower leg runs along horizontally. Drive foot into surface. Lean in with flat back.

12. Medball Hamstring Curls

13. Lateral band walks x 10r each direction

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