Monday, August 31, 2020

Upper Rings

Total time: 67:30

General warm ups 

Band warm ups 

Wrist warm ups 

Crab walk, bridge swing, lounge chairs 

Scapula push-ups 

Wall Handstands 

25s (=) 

25s (=) 

20s (=) 

Baby Muscle Up 

5r (=) 

5r (=)

5r (=)

5r (=)

5r (=) 

Tuck to Tuck Stand (parallettes) 

3r (=) 

3r (=)

3r (=)

3r (=) 

3r (=) most sets kept arms at 45 and just lifted feet

Good sets. Controlled. Hips mostly extended fully on every rep. Try to increase to 4. Get to 5 then work on extending legs all the way 

Bosu ball Push-up (Feet on ball) 

8r (+1) curling feet in between reps 

8r (+2)

7r (+1)

Inverted Pull-up 

8r (=) 

8r (=)

8r (+2)

7r (=) 

8r (=) 

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