Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Week 2 IF


225 x 4

245 x 4

265 x 4 broken 3, 5 second rest and 1

265 x 4 broken 2, 1, and 1. 5-10 second rest between

265 x 4 broken 2 and 2 5 second rest between

Weighted pull-ups

20 x 4 arms a bit tired. DL and two consecutive days of 14"+ snowfall surely contributed. Stay on 20 today.

20 x 4 feel fatigue in back

20 x 4

20 x 4

DB rows

90 x 4 each arm

100 x 4

100 x 4

Incline DB press (make up from yesterday's migraine interruption)

50 x 8

60 x 8

60 x 8

60 x 5

Military BB press

45 x 8

55 x 8

65 x 8

Good set. Went behind the head until arms were parallel to floor

Strict DB curls

35 x 4

40 x 4

40 x 4

Triceps press (OH)

100 x 8

120 x 8

130 x 8

Sent on the Now Network� from my Sprint® BlackBerry

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