SLS/SE2: 4x20s
Static Single Leg Squat
*balance a bit tricky
5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set
Single Leg Bridge Curl
Sumo Deadlift 9:00 -26:25 (25:45 last week) (all deadlifts)
225 x 6
350 x 5 great set. Belted. Felt very light today. Probably had a 6th, but wanted to make are I had something in the tank for the following sets. Form was perfect on all 5. Weight came up smooth and fast.
315 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good. (Started this set at 16:30)
315 x 6 no belt Good set. Straight through, quick reps. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. 325 next week (Started this set at 19:30)
Conventional DL
285 x 8 Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 23:15) (23:00 the week before)
285 x 8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 25:15) (25:00 last week)
Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through.
SL/PE6: 5x8r
Circling Arch Ups
Last very last set in one direction was rough! Keep it here for another week or two.
5r SL/PE6-iM for each work set
Outside Inside Outside Backs
Last set of mobility was awful. Lower back on fire!!!
MN 38:45 - 45:00
MN/PE5: 4x5r
1/2 Hanging Leg Lifts
Go to 5 sets next week
1r 30sMN/PE5-iM for each work set
Vertical Pike Hold
Great pace! Out worked squat day with additional DL sets!
Pike holds brutal towards end. Grip is failing, but not one set was broken today.
Overall an awesome workout. Really wanted to skip today when I got here. Wasn't feeling it at all. Last week sucked so I knew I had to give it my best. Though I fell behind about :30 in the deadlifts, I made it up over the last two exercises and actually finished over a minute under my last best. Plus I added another set of circles. The mind is an incredible thing. Nice work Bub.
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