Tuesday, September 8, 2015

F7 GST B Squat

Total time 49:00

SLS 0-8:20

SLS/SE2: 5x20s (5x30 mastery)

Static Single Leg Squat

*balance a bit tricky. Go to 5x20 next week

5r SLS/SE2-iM for each work set

WRS #1-4

Single Leg Bridge Curl

Good set. Added another set and still under last week's time. 

Barbell Squat 10:00- 26:30

135 x 8 

225 x 6

315 x 3 awesome set. Perfect form and excellent depth. Belted. 4 was possible, but it would have been ugly. 

265 x 8 no belt. Perfect set. Great form, the last few a total mental battle. Strength is there, just have to convince myself to stay in the cave a little longer. 

265 x 8 no belt Wow! Nice work! Great weight. Mentally tough towards the end, but once I committed, the strength was there. 

SL 29:30- 37:45

SL/PE6: 4x10r

Circling Arch Ups

*these feel good. Do 5 sets next week. 

5r SL/PE6-iM for each work set 

Outside Inside Outside Backs

I'm doing 6r (3 each direction)

MN 40:15-49:00

MN/PE7: 4x5r

Hanging Leg Lifts

Focus on compression happening at hips, not lats pulling away from bar. Makes ALL the difference. Last two reps on last two sets I was using more lat and leaning back a bit. Watch that form. Gets tough!

30s MN/PE7-iM for each work set

Vertical Pike Hang

Killer workout today. Really minimized distraction and worked on speeding pace. Great job. 

Sent from my iPhone

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