Thursday, April 21, 2011


8-10 rep range/180 second rest between sets

265 x 8
265 x 8
265 x 8 good set. Earlier sets could have gone another rep or two. Start at 275 or 280 next week.

BW x 10 feels strong
BW x 10
BW x 10 (8+2) NO KIPPING. Steady and strong pulls. I worried my pull-up strength would suffer a lot from almost exclusively training chin-ups for the past 8 weeks or so, but it only has marginally, if any.

Ring Press/Flys
BW x 10 each
BW x 10 each- solid. 11 couldn't have happened.
BW x 10 (7+3) great set

Rear Delt Cable Pull
20 x 12 per arm

Seated Leg Press Calf Press
310 x 10
315 x 10

Bicep EZ Curl
75 x 8 tough set.

BW x 25 (no belt with me-curious what I could churn out)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


10-12 rep range/180 second rest between sets

Shrug machine DL
230 x 12 warm-up
270 x 12
290 x 12
310 x 12 perfect set. Last 2 were a struggle. I like that exercise.

Military Press
95 x 12 behind neck-arms parallel to floor-very strict and cautious
105 x 12 weight is very light, but enough that I have to focus through the movement and be careful of sloppiness
105 x 12

Tricep Cable Kick Back
20 x 12 per arm- good contraction, but shoulder feels sharp pain if I go off track even an inch
20 x 12 per arm
20 x 12 per arm-good careful sets

BW x 12 strong set-good high bunghole in the mirror (sorry kids)
BW x 12 another perfect set-may want to consider adding ankle weights for these
BW x 12

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Monday, April 18, 2011


10-12 rep range/180 second rest between sets

Weighted Chins
25 x 10
25 x 10
25 x 10 (6+3+1)
BW x 12 fast! Nice set!

DB flys
70 x 11 did 12 last week-what's the problem?
70 x 10
70 x 8 bah! Last week was a stronger set. Boooo!

Bicep Curl
65 x 12 great set. Arms felt like the skin was going to tear.
65 x 10
65 x 10

Scott Calf Raises
140 x 12
150 (full stack) x 12
150 x 12 not enough weight. Body position is perfect, but stack only goes to 150. Get creative.

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Friday, April 15, 2011


5-7 Rep Range/180 second rest between sets

245 x 7
265 x 7
275 x 5

Incline DB Press
75 x 7
80 x 5
80 x 4

Weighted Chins
35 x 6
35 x 6
35 x 5

Rear Delt Cable Pulls
30 x 12
30 x 12

Scott Calf Raises
120 x 12
150 (full stack) x 12 keep upper body lower than hips to get full hammy stretch. Excruciating.

Bicep EZ curls
75 x 8 good weight. Really strict

Cable Tricep Kick Backs
30 x 8 per arm slow and controlled

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Thursday, April 14, 2011


8-10 rep range/180 second rest between sets

225 x 8
265 x 8 (4+4 grip lets out)
265 x 8 (4+2+2) use straps past 5 reps. Weight is pretty good. Maybe a touch light. Go to 280 next week.

Ring Press/Fly Combo
BW x 10 each
BW x 10 each nice set! Rough going past 7
BW x 10 (5+3+2)

Pull-up (Neutral Grip)
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10 (8+2)

Rear delt cable
115 x 7 you're pushing it man. Take the progression slower.

70 x 10 per leg
90 x 10 per leg

35 x 10 per arm

Tricep Rope Cable Presses
110 x 10

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


10-12 rep range/180 second rest between sets

225 x 12
245 x 12 last few pretty tough-up weight next week
245 x 12 nice set. It was a fight after 7. Maybe do all three at 245 next week and see how it feels before bumping up too much.

90 x 12
100 x 12
100 x 12 could probably go heavier, but am opting to err on the side of under doing any more damage to shoulder. Very slow and strict.

Scott Cable Tricep Press
140 x 12 good weight
140 x 12
140 x 12 good set

BW x 12
BW x 12
BW x 12

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Monday, April 11, 2011


10-12 rep range/180 second rest between sets

BW x 12
BW x 12
BW x 12 add weight with this much rest between sets.

DB Incline Fly
70 x 12
70 x 10
70 x 8

Bicep EZ BB Curl
55 x 12 very strict
65 x 12 last 3 had a slight rock
55 x 12 very strict

Seated Leg Press Calf
295 x 12 good extension-burn didn't come until the end.
315 x 12 good weight-slow reps, full eccentric and concentric movement
315 x 12 great set

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Friday, April 8, 2011


8-10 rep range/90 second rest between sets
Location: Riven Academy
221 x 8
265 (100k) x 8
265 x 8 wow. Good weight
265 x 8 (4+4)
265 x 8 (4+3+1) thank goodness you can't do math or you'd have done that whole set at 245. Hooray for kilograms!

BB Incline Bench Press
155 x 8 pretty light, but BB always aggravates shoulder- take it nice and easy
155 x 8
155 x 8
155 x 8
155 x 8 sloppy last two

BW x 10
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 8 grip gone

Scott DB Press
25 x 10 shoulder grinding-left shoulder racheting- no bueno
12.5 x 10 rear delt flys DB

35 pair DB x 8 together
35 pair DB x 8 together no burn really-not a great set up

Bicep DB Hammer curl
35 x 10 per

Weighted Dips
BW x 10

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Thursday, April 7, 2011


10-12 rep range/90 second rest between sets
Note: Sandy Gold's Gym-machines and weights may be different than what I typically used
Standing Leg Curl
20 x 12 per leg
20 x 12 per leg
27 x 12 per leg
30 x 12 per leg
30 x 12 per leg wanted to do DL, but this gym sucks. Almost no freeweights at all to speak of.

Ring pushup
BW x 12
BW x 12
BW x 10 (push-up/flies combo)
BW x 10 (push-up/flies combo)
BW x 10 (6+4)(push-up/ flies combo)

BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10 (6+4)
BW x 10 (6+4)
BW x 10 (6+1+1+1+1)

Military Press
95 x 12
95 x 12

35 lb x 12 per
35 lb plate x 12 per

45 plate x 12

Weighted Dips
45 x 10

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011


13-15 rep range/90 second rest between sets
185 x 15
185 x 15
185 x 15 getting yowee
185 x 15 rough at 10
205 x 15 yowza at 7. Tough set, but form was strict and legs are burning

Cable machine delt complexes
Rear Delt 10 x 15 per arm
Front Delt Raises 10 x 15 per arm
Rear Delt 10 x 15 per arm
Front Delt Raises 10 x 15 per arm
Cable Shrugs 100 x 15

BW x 15 very easy-no weight though due to shoulder-in mirror left shoulder is lower than right-not sure if its a flexibility issue or my body is protecting it-either way, do all exercises today with BW only.
BW x 15
BW x 15 very easy, but feel a good stretch in shoulders
BW x 15
BW x 15

BW x 15
BW x 15
BW x 15
Planks @ 60 seconds
Planks @ 60 seconds

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Monday, April 4, 2011


13-15 rep range/90 second rest between sets

Ring Pushups
BW x 15 easy set
BW x 15
BW x 15 getting a bit tougher
BW x 15 (10+5) 5-10 second shake out
BW x 15 (10+5)

Inverted Ring Pull-ups
BW x 15 legs elevated
BW x 13 legs elevated
BW x 12 legs elevated
BW x 13 (9+4) legs elevated
BW x 12 (8+4) legs elevated

45 x 15 strict EZ curls
35 x 15 reverse grip EZ curls
45 x 15 strict EZ curls fiiiiiyyyyaa!
35 x 15 reverse EZ curls
45 x 15 strict EZ curls

Seated Leg Press Machine Calf Raises
270 x 15
270 x 15 wowza. Full stretch and press to bone support
270 x 15 great set
270 x 15 toes pointed outward
270 x 15 toes pointed outward-crazy sets. Molten lava in the veins.

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Friday, April 1, 2011


245 x 8 (to ground each rep)
245 x 8 (6+2 grip slips on bounce.
245 x 8 (5+3)heart going. That 90 second rest feels like nothing.
245 x 8 (4+3+1)

Seated Close Grip Cable Row
130 x 8
130 x 8 slow pull and full stretch at bottom of eccentric position
130 x 8 nice fatigue towards end-keep form very strict
130 x 8 nice and tired. Loosened form a touch on last 2 reps.

Chest Fly Machine (peg in fourth hole from top)
100 x 10 pretty easy
120 x 9 not bad. Not as challenging as free weights, but easier on my elbows and shoulder for today
120 x 8
120 x 9 keep arms slightly arched through movement. Puts greater strain on inner pecs throughout exercise

Seated Leg Press Machine Calf Raises
250 x 10 slight burn-go heavier
300 x 10 better bone support than on calf raise machine- still a bit light, but not bad

Rear Delt Machine
70 x 10

Tricep Cable Scott Press
130 x 8 elbows really sore. Lighter weight

Concentration Curls
25 per arm. Very light, but all I need this week. Good week all in all.