Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Weight: 184

DB Incline press
Warm up (60, 70)
115 x 5
100 x 8
100 x 6

DB Flat Press
80 x 12
90 x 6
90 x 7

Ring Flys (press and fly supersets)
BW x 10 each
BW x 10 each (6+4)
BW x 10 each (7+3)

Wide Grip Cable Curls
120 x 12
130 x 15
130 x 8
120 x 5

Brachial Curls
50 x 12
50 x 15
60 x 12

Calf Raises
300 x 10 x 3 positions
300 x 10 x 3 positions
300 x 10 x 3 positions

Monday, May 19, 2014


Weight: 183

Warm-up 135, 225, 315
385 x 3
345 x 5
345 x 4 (45 sec break between 3+4) still feeling legs from Friday, so reps are a bit low. Should hit 6 for each set next week.)

Romanian DL
225 x 7
225 x 8
225 x 8
Tough weight. Keep form perfect. Good set.

Weighted Chins
BW + 50 x 4
BW + 45 x 6 (3+2+1)
BW + 35 x 6 (4+2)
BW x 12 worn out.

Rear Delt DB Raises
20 x 12
25 x 12
25 x 12

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Friday, May 16, 2014


Weight: 183 

BB Squat 
Warm up 135 x 8, 225 x 6 
315 x 3 one rep less than last week
275 x 5 felt strong 
275 x 6 tough #6. Knees started coming in a bit. Keep it strict. You've got 6 in you next time for both work sets. (This week you upped one in your work set and dropped one in in your top set. 

Bulgarian Squats 
110 x 8 per leg tough weight but did all reps straight 
110 x 8 per leg, right 5, 3 
110 x 8 per leg, right 4, 4 

Leg Press Burnout Hell (4 10# on each side- 15 reps, shed a plate from each side, repeat until empty)
Then immediately:
Single legs x 10 each leg empty rack

Seated Military Shoulder DB Press 
50 x 12 
60 x 12 
70 x 8
Great set. Start at 70 next time and work to 80. 

Scott OH Cable Presses 
150 x 15 
150+10 x 11 
150+10 x 10 

Cable Press Downs 
150 x 10 x 3

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


DB Incline press
Warm up (60, 70)
100 x 8
100 x 8
100 x 6

DB Flat Press
75 x 12
85 x 8
85 x 8

Ring Flys (press and fly supersets)
BW x 10 each
BW x 10 each (6+4)
BW x 10 each (7+3)

Wide Grip Cable Curls
120 x 12
130 x 15
130 x 8
120 x 5

Brachial Curls
50 x 12
50 x 15
60 x 12

Calf Raises
280 x 10 x 3 positions
300 x 10 x 3 positions
300 x 10 x 3 positions

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Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Weight: 183

BB Squat
Warm up 135 x 8, 225 x 6
315 x 4 great set. 4 caused some blindness. :)
275 x 5 felt strong
275 x 5 tough #5. Knees started coming in a bit. Keep it strict. You've got 6 in you next time for both work sets.

Bulgarian Squats
100 x 8 per leg
100 x 8 per leg, right 5, 3
100 x 8 per leg, right 4, 4

Single Arm Shoulder DB Press
50 x 8 each
60 x 6 right, 5 left
50 x 8 each

Scott OH Cable Presses
150 x 15
150+10 x 11
150+10 x 10

Cable Press Downs
150 x 10 x 3

Monday, May 5, 2014


Weight: 181.6

Warm-up 135, 225, 315
385 x 2
345 x 5
345 x 5 great set. tough #5

Romanian DL
165 x 8 x 3

Weighted Chins
BW + 45 x 6
BW + 45 x 6
BW + 45 x 6
BW x 13

Rear Delt DB Raises
20 x 12
25 x 10
25 x 11

Calf Raises
280 x 10 x 3 positions x 3

Friday, May 2, 2014


Weight: 181.4

BB Squat
Warm up 135 x 8, 225 x 6
295 x 5
265 x 6
265 x 6

Good set. Up top set to 315 and work set to 275

Bulgarian Squats
100 x 8 per leg
100 x 8 per leg, right 4, 4
100 x 8 per leg, right 4, 4

Scott Shoulder DB Press
40 x 8
50 x 8
60 x 6

Weighted Dips
BW+65 x 8
BW+55 x 8
BW+45 x 9
BW x 14

Cable Press Downs
150 x 12 x 3

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