Wednesday, October 31, 2012



Incline Press 
60 x 8 too light for a decent warmup. Go to 65 and maybe even 70. 
90 x 5 
75 x 6
75 x 4
75 x 4
Good set. Felt strong. Keep at 90 and bottom set at 75 for another week or two. 

Ring flys + press superset 
BW x 10 each (8+2) 
BW x 10 each (5+3+2) 
BW x 10 each (9+1) shoulders a little twingy. 

Cable flys 
45 x 12 strict form. Wide arms, slight bend

Pushup burnout x 15 

Calf press machine 
330 x 12 
330 x 12 yowza 
330 x 12 aroooooo! Up weight a bit? 

Wide grip EZ Curls 
75 x 8 
75 x 8 tough 8! Fought for it. 
75 x 5

Monday, October 29, 2012



225 x 5 
225 x 5 
315 x 2 Chalked.  
275 x 5
275 x 5 perfect set. Good effort. Up everything slightly. 325/285 respectively. (I did one more week at this weight since the last few weeks I was sick.)

BW x 6 
BW x 6 (4+2) shoulders and elbows back. Watch form. A bit tough on shoulder)
BW x 6 (3+1+1) 
BW (chins) x 12 (5+3+2+2) 

Scott Lat Pulls 
150 x 9 wide grip-very strict. Need more weight. 
150 x 9 very controlled, but feeling very easy today 
150 x 8 locked arms-very controlled. 

Handstand holds 
30 sec x 3 solid sets. Getting easier. Last set still brutal. Go at least one more week before upping time under tension. First two sets fairly easy. 90 sec rest between sets. 

Rear delt cable pulls 
25 x 12 x 3 very controlled. No momentum. Last set a bit tough. Good weight. Keep it controlled and on the easier side to keep your shoulders from getting hurt again. 

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sick day

I'm a week and a half into a cold, so I'm basically trying to do something without throwing my system into shock. Fairly light and low intensity.


225 x 5
225 x 5
295 x 3

Pull ups
BW x 12
BW x 8
BW x 8

DB Incline Press
60 x 8
75 x 8
75 x 7
75 x 5 a bit dizzy. Weight isn't too bad though.

Cybex cable crosses
5 x 12
6 x 10
6 x 10

Straight BB Curl
60 x 7
60 x 6 really dizzy. Lets call it a day champ.

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Friday, October 12, 2012


Bench Squats
225 x 8
285 x 3
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6 raise work sets to 255 next week.

Bulgarian Squats BB
55 x 8 per leg. barf.
55 x 8 per leg. Right leg harder than left. Tough set.
55 x 8 per leg right leg did 5+3

Military BB Press
135 x 12 spot off rack
145 x 10 spot off rack
145 x 7 spot off rack
145 x 8 great set. Had spotter help take it off the rack. Big help. Keep top set at 145 for another week or so.

Weighted Dips
BW + 35 x 8 solid set.
BW + 35 x 7. Nice work. Keep form strict and mind the shoulders. Just shy of lockout on #8
BW + 25 x 8. Fought for 8
BW x 12 -all one set! last rep tough

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Incline Press
60 x 8
85 x 5
75 x 6
75 x 4
75 x 4
Feel kind of weak today. Next week try 90 and keep the bottom set at 75.

Cable Flys
50 x 12
60 x 9
60 x 7
60 x 8 strict form. Controlled.

Flat BB Bench
135 x 5
135 x 6
135 x 5

Pushup burnout x 20

Calf press machine
280 x 12 (new machine)
300 x 12 yowza
320 x 12 aroooooo!
340 x 12 wow. Rough stuff.

DB Curls
45 x 8 little shoulder twinge. Go back to 40.
40 x 8 tough 8! Fought for it.
40 x 8

Reverse EZ Curls
45 x 8
45 x 8
45 x 8 up weight next time?
Very little rest between sets. Good workout today boss!

Monday, October 8, 2012



225 x 5 
225 x 5 
315 x 4 good set. Chalked.  
275 x 5
275 x 5 perfect set. Good effort. Up everything slightly. 325/285 respectively. 

Weighted Chins 
35 x 6 (3+1+1+1) 
25 x 6 (3+2+1) 
25 x (3+1+1) 
BW x 12 (5+3+2+2) 

Scott Lat Pulls 
150 x 10 wide grip-very strict. Need more weight. 
150 x 9 very controlled, but feeling very easy today 
150 x 8 locked arms-very controlled. 

Handstand holds 
30 sec x 3 solid sets. Getting easier. Last set still brutal. Go at least one more week before upping time under tension. First two sets fairly easy. 90 sec rest between sets. 

Rear delt cable pulls 
25 x 12 x 3 very controlled. No momentum. Last set a bit tough. Good weight. Keep it controlled and on the easier side to keep your shoulders from getting hurt again. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


Bench Squats
225 x 8
285 x 1 feel really weak today.
275 x 3
245 x 6
245 x 4
245 x 5
Try again to top set with 285.

DB Step ups
50 x 8 per leg
50 x 8 per leg. yowzers
50 x 8 per leg.

Military BB Press
135 x 11 spot off rack
135 x 11 spot off rack
135 x 12 spot off rack
135 x great set. Had spotter help take it off the rack. Big help. Up weight next week. Solid sets.

Weighted Dips
BW + 35 x 8 solid set.
BW + 35 x 7. Nice work. Keep form strict and mind the shoulders.
BW + 25 x 8. Fought for 8
BW x 12 -all one set! last two reps brutal

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Incline Press
60 x 8
85 x 5
75 x 7
75 x 5
75 x 4
Good set. Felt strong. Go to 90 and keep the bottom set at 75.

Ring flys + press superset
BW x 10 each (7+2+1)
BW x 10 each (5+2+2+1)
BW x 10 each (3+3+3+1) shoulders a little twingy.

Cable flys
45 x 12 strict form. Wide arms, slight bend

Pushup burnout x 15

Calf press machine
330 x 12
330 x 12 yowza
330 x 12 aroooooo! Up weight a bit?

DB Curls
40 x 8
40 x 8 tough 8! Fought for it.
40 x 8

Very little rest between sets. Good workout today boss!

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