Friday, May 31, 2013


Weight: 173

Deep Squats
135 x 8
225 x 8
225 x 8 good form, good weight. A to G.
225 x 8 good set. Perfect form. Very deep. Ouchie. 7 and 8 rough.
225 x 7 deep and perfect form

Front squat
135 x 8
135 x 8
135 x 8 last few tough. About 90 sec between sets. Keep back and abs tight!

Bulgarian Squat
90 x 8 L/R R-(4+4)
90 x 8 R/L L- (3+2+2+1) brutal. Holy crap.
90 x 8 L/R R- (3+3+2)

Jump Squats x 20 (7+3+5+5) yuck. So, so yuck.

Calf raises-didn't do Wednesday
220 x 10 x neutral, toes in, toes out x 3 tough sets. Legs shaking like a leaf.

Seated Military DB Press
45 x 12
50 x 14
50 x 10
50 x 8

BW + 45 x 12
BW + 45 x 8
BW + 35 x 9
BW x
60 sec rest between sets

Cable press downs
Stack x 12
Stack x 10
Stack x 10

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