Friday, November 30, 2012


Front Squats
135 x 6
155 x 6
155 x 5 good form. Grease the groove this week. Low back feeling it more than legs.
155 x 5 Perfect form.
155 x 5

BB Snatch (one arm)
45 x 5 (empty bar) x 5
65 x 3 per arm x 2 sets

DB Snatch
80 x 4 per arm L/R
85 x per arm

Military BB Press
135 x 12
145 x 8 spot off
145 x 7
145 x (no time today)

Ring Dips
BW x 9
BW x 10
BW x 7
BW x 6

Scott Tricep Presses
140 x 8
140 x 9
140 x 9

Close grip EZ BB Press
95 x 10

Forearm wind ups- 10#
Back /Forward
Back/Forward yowzers!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Incline Press
65 x 8
90 x 4
80 x 6
80 x 5 good form. Fought a bit for 5.
80 x 4. Good weight. Go until 6 on each set.

Ring flys + press superset
BW x 10 each
BW x 10 each (5+2+3)
BW x 10 each (4+3+2+1)
BW Maltese x 4 yowzers!

Cable flys (low flys)
30 x 8 x 3 chest wide and expanded Wide arms, slight bend; then immediately:
15 x 12 straight arms- no cheat, no pause.

Pullovers DB
55 x 10
55 x 10
55 x 10 up to 60 next time. great set!

Calf raise machine/ BW burnouts
200 x 15 full lockout then 20 BW burnouts
200 x 15/ 20 Wow! FULL lockout to bone support on each rep. Gnarly.
200 x 20 controlled. nice set. Holy crap.

Scott Curl Supersets (straight bar/EZ reverse)
60 x 8/45 x 8
60 x 5/45 x 5
60 x 4/45 x 5 no rest between Supersets at all.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Cardio/Accessory Lifts

60 minutes @ 2.0 incline/3.8 mph

4 way neck
10# plate x 25 reps side
25# plate rear
25# plate front (need head strap)

Wrestlers Bridge front/back
BW x 10/10
BW x 10/10

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Monday, November 26, 2012


225 x 5
325 x 3
285 x 5 great job. Felt fairly easy on this set.
285 x 5 short break between 3 and 4.
285 x 5 short break between 3 and 4 and 4 and 5. Good set today. Up work set to 295 next week.

BW x 7 strong set.
BW x 7 (5+2) shoulders and elbows back. Watch form.
BW x 7 (5+1+1)
BW (chins) x 12 (6+2+1+1+1+1)

Do weighted chins next week.

DB Rows
75 x 8 per arm. Nice and controlled.
75 x 8 very controlled- good weight
75 x 8

Handstand holds
35 sec x 2 solid sets. Last set @ 30 sec. Last set still brutal. 90 sec rest between sets.

DB rear delts
25 x 10 x 3 very controlled. No momentum. No cheating. Good workout brother!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Incline Press
65 x 8
90 x 4
75 x 8
75 x 5
75 x 4 tough set
Keep at 90 and bottom set at 75 for another week or two.

Ring flys + press superset
BW x 10 each (8+2)
BW x 10 each (4+3+3)
BW x 10 each (4+3+3) shoulders a little twingy.
BW Maltese x 4 yowzers

Cable flys (low flys)
30 x 8 x 3 chest wide and expanded Wide arms, slight bend; then immediately:
15 x 12 straight arms- no cheat, no pause.

Pullovers DB
50 x 8
50 x 8
50 x 8 up to 55 next time

Calf raise machine/ BW burnouts
200 x 15 full lockout then 20 BW burnouts
200 x 15/ 19 Wow! FULL lockout to bone support on each rep. Gnarly.
200 x 15/20 (9+6) controlled. nice set. Holy crap.

Cable Row Bicep curls (straight bar/EZ reverse)
60 x 8
60 x 8
60 x 7
Then immediately:
Rope cable hammer curls
35 x 15
35 x 15
35 x 15
One minute rest between

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Cardio/Accessory Lifts

50 minutes @ 2.0 incline/4.0 mph

4 way neck
10# plate x 25 reps side
25# plate rear
25# plate front (need head strap)

Wrestlers Bridge
BW x 10
BW x 10

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Monday, November 19, 2012


225 x 5
315 x 5 Good muscle control.
285 x 5 great job.
285 x 5 30 sec between 4 and 5 Nice work set.
285 x 4 Good weight. 4 was perfect. Feeling a bit strained on 4. Could probably have done a 5, but not without getting very ugly. Good set today. Up top set to 325 next week.

BW x 7 (6+1) why am I so weak in this position?! Watch shoulders.
BW x 7 (4+1+1+1) shoulders and elbows back. Watch form.
BW x 7 (3+1+1+1+1)
BW (chins) x 12 (6+2+1+1+1+1)

DB Rows
70 x 8 per arm. Nice and controlled.
70 x 8 very controlled- good weight
70 x 8. Up weight next week.

Handstand holds
35 sec x 2 solid sets. Last set @ 30 sec. Last set still brutal. 90 sec rest between sets.

DB rear delts
20 x 9 x 3 very controlled. No momentum. No cheating. A few very painful reps there. Good pain, not injury pain. Good workout brother!

Friday, November 16, 2012


225 x 6 feel really weak. Focus on knees staying out.
255 x 5. A little bow on 5.
245 x 5 bow starts on 5. Good form.
225 x 6 solid set. Perfect form.
225 x 6 great set. Keep all weight the same for one more week.

DB Snatch
70 x 5 per arm R/L
80 x 4 per arm L/R
85 x per arm

Military BB Press
135 x 12
145 x 8 spot off
145 x 7
145 x (no time today)

Weighted Dips
BW + 45 x 7 nice!
BW + 45 x 7 solid fight!
BW + 35 x had to cut this set out for time
BW x 8 good job brother!

Forearm wind ups- no time! Do tomorrow!
Back /Forward
Back/Forward yowzers!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Incline Press
65 x 8
90 x 3
75 x 7
75 x 5
75 x 5
Keep at 90 and bottom set at 75 for another week or two.

Ring flys + press superset
BW x 10 each (7+3)
BW x 10 each (4+3+3)
BW x 10 each (4+3+3) shoulders a little twingy.

Cable flys
45 x 12 x 3 last set a bit sloppy towards the end. strict form. Wide arms, slight bend; then immediately:
30 x 12 straight arms- no cheat, no pause. Easier this week.

Pushup burnout x 20

Calf press machine (free weight leg press)
360 x 12 full lockout
360 x 12. Wow! FULL lockout to bone support on each rep. Gnarly. Limit any bend in the knees on eccentric portion.
360 x 13 (10+3) nice set. Holy crap.

Scott Curl Supersets (straight bar/EZ reverse)
60 x 8/45 x 8
60 x 6/45 x 6
60 x 5/45 x 4 great set no rest between Supersets at all.

Great workout! Good effort.

Monday, November 12, 2012


225 x 5
315 x 4 Chalked. Good muscle control.
285 x 5. Rough set. Nice work.
285 x 4. Nice work set. Slight 20 sec breaks between 3 and 4.
285 x 4 Good weight. 4 was perfect.

BW x 7 (6+1) why am I so weak in this position?! Watch shoulders.
BW x 7 (5+1+1) shoulders and elbows back. Watch form.
BW x 7 (4+1+1+1)
BW (chins) x 12 (5+3+1+1+1+1)

Scott Lat Pulls (end tower- weight slightly different)
80 x 8 wide grip-very strict.
80 x 8 very controlled- good weight
80 x 7 locked arms-very controlled.

Handstand holds
35 sec x 2 solid sets. Last set @ 30 sec. Last set still brutal. 90 sec rest between sets.

Rear delt cable pulls
25 x 12 x 3 very controlled. No momentum. No cheating. A few very painful reps there. Good pain, not injury pain. Good workout brother!

Friday, November 9, 2012


Bench Squats 

225 x 6 feel really weak. Focus on knees staying out. 
255 x 5 knees turning in on last rep. Keep em out brother! Even if you have to do less weight. 
245 x 4 knees started to bow, I forced them out and I couldn't stand. Lets strengthen that weak link before going to higher weights where you may injure yourself. 
225 x 6 makes huge difference to keep knees out. 6 was a bit sloppy. Good weight for now. 
225 x 5  started to buckle. Keep them strict for a few weeks and lets see what happens. 

Bulgarian Squats BB 
65 x 8 per leg yowza
65 x 8 per leg. R/L left almost didn't happen. Last two were nasty. 
65 x  per leg. L/R right broken (4+4)

Military BB Press 
135 x 12 spot off rack 
145 x 9 spot off rack 
145 x 5 spot off rack 
5 x 6 great set. Had spotter help take it off the rack. Big help. Keep top set at 145 for another week or so. 

Weighted Dips 
BW + 35 x 9 solid set. 
BW + 35 x 8 Nice work. Keep form strict and mind the shoulders. Just shy of lockout on #8 
BW + 35 x 8 Fought for 8. Great set. 
BW x 14 all one set! last rep tough
Next week go 45. 

Forearm wind ups 10#
Back /Forward
Back/Forward yowzers!

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Incline Press
65 x 8
90 x 4
75 x 7
75 x 5
75 x 4
Good set. Felt ok. Keep at 90 and bottom set at 75 for another week or two.

Ring flys + press superset
BW x 10 each (8+2)
BW x 10 each (5+4+1)
BW x 10 each (9+1) shoulders a little twingy.

Cable flys
45 x 12 strict form. Wide arms, slight bend; then immediately:
30 x 12 straight arms- no cheat, no pause. Yowzers.

Pushup burnout x 20

Calf press machine (free weight leg press)
270 x 12 too easy
360 x 12. Wow! FULL lockout to bone support on each rep. Gnarly.
360 x 12 nice set

Scott Curl Supersets (straight bar/EZ reverse)
60 x 8/45 x 8
60 x 7/45 x 7
60 x 5/45 x 7 great set

Monday, November 5, 2012


225 x 5
315 x 4 Chalked. Good muscle control.
285 x 5. Rough set.
285 x 4. Nice work set. Slight 20 sec breaks between 3 and 4.
285 x 3. Good weight. Great set.

BW x 6 why am I so weak in this position?! Watch shoulders.
BW x 6 (5+1) shoulders and elbows back. Watch form. A bit tough on shoulder)
BW x 6 (3+1+1+1)
BW (chins) x 12 (5+3+2+2)

Scott Lat Pulls (end tower- weight slightly different)
75 x 8 wide grip-very strict. Need more weight.
75 x 8 very controlled- good weight
75 x 7 locked arms-very controlled.

Handstand holds
30 sec x 3 solid sets. Getting easier. Last set still brutal. Go at least one more week before upping time under tension. First two sets fairly easy. 90 sec rest between sets. Not ready yet. 3rd set still too tough to move on.

Rear delt cable pulls
25 x 12 x 3 very controlled. No momentum. Last set a bit tough. Good weight. Keep it controlled and on the easier side to keep your shoulders from getting hurt again.

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Friday, November 2, 2012


Bench Squats 

225 x 6 feel really weak. 
265 x 5
245 x 6
245 x 6
245 x 6

Bulgarian Squats BB 
65 x 8 per leg yowza
65 x 8 per leg. Right (4+4)
65 x
 per leg. Did right leg first. Left was brutal. (2+2+2+2)

Military BB Press 
135 x 12 spot off rack 
145 x 12 spot off rack 
155 x 6 spot off rack 
155 x 4 great set. Had spotter help take it off the rack. Big help. Keep top set at 145 for another week or so. 

Weighted Dips 
BW + 35 x 8 solid set. 
BW + 35 x 9 Nice work. Keep form strict and mind the shoulders. Just shy of lockout on #8 
BW + 35 x 8. Fought for 8. Great set. 
BW x 15 -all one set! last rep tough
Go one more week like this then bump it up to 45. 

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