Monday, November 30, 2015

F7 GST B Deadlift

Total time: 54:30

Good pace, good workout. About 2:00 slower than last best, but progressed on DL, and SL. 

SLS 0 - 12:00

SLS/SE5: 5rx5 (mastery)

Do one more week at Rx

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE5-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 14:00 -38:45 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

350 x 5 felt pretty good. Probably had a 6, but number 5 felt like the last rep w/ perfect form. Belted. 

325 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt good.  (Started this set at 24:00)

325 x 6 no belt Good weight. Last few a struggle. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. (Started this set at 27:30)

 Conventional DL

295 x 8 Great set. Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 33:45)

290 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 36:45)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

SL 43:00 - 48:15

SL/PE10: 4x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

MN 49:00 - 54:30

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

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Saturday, November 28, 2015


Total time: 48:15 (:15 slower. Progressed on FL and sPL and RC)

Weight : 170 this AM. Cals around 2000. 

FL 0-7:00

FL/PE13: 5x5r x 15s (30s mastery) All sets perfect. Great tension and body shape.

Inverted Hang

10s FL/PE10-iM for each work set

Low Bridge

Good set! 

sPL 7:45 - 16:30

SPL/SE2: 5x25s used Dumbbells for last few sets. Felt great. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows. Last set :25. Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends above navel. Hang way off bench!

Bonus Stuff 18:45 - 26:00

Pseudo Planche Push-ups (feet on smith bar, on 4th hook) allows me to really lean forward, more so than on a bench. Nice find. Hands on perfect push-up thingies or dumbbells. 

Really tough today! Must be getting more out of SPL training. Spent extra time getting shape right. When body is hollow, this is much tougher. Go back to 8 reps next week. Keep body hollow. 

5 sets of 8. Great sets. 

HBP 27:30- 38:20

HBP/PE15: 5x3r first three sets 4. Last 2 sets 3. Good progress. Felt strong today. 

Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took :30 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 39:15 - 48:00

RC/PE14: 4x5r Good set 

Wide grip Behind Neck Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. 

Side Shoulder distraction 80# on cable machine

Did whole workout at gym, so shaved several min off from not driving home. Not using rings for now. 

Bonus: 3 sets of rear felt DB raises #25 x 10

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Friday, November 27, 2015

GST B Squat(subbed DB Snatches)

Total time: 59:00 did snatches today, so don't compare against squat days

SLS 0 - 12:00

SLS/SE3 5rx5

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

DB Snatches 14:15- 40:00

70 x 8 

80 x 6 good weight. 

90 x 3 good drive! Great depth and form. Perfect set. Last set with left arm just barely short of lockout, so maybe a full three isn't fair. 

75 x 6 Perfect set. Great form, good weight. Maybe up to 80 next week. 

75 x 6 Wow! Nice work! Great weight. Mentally tough toward the end, but once I committed, the strength was there. 

SL 43:00 - 52:00

SL/PE10: 4x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, If done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

MN 53:15 - 59:00

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 55#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

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Wednesday, November 25, 2015

F7 GST B Hamstrings and Calves

Total time 53:45 (8:15 faster with progressions on SLS and SL. Good pace)

Weight: 170

SLS 0 - 11:30

SLS/SE3 5rx5

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

Jefferson Curls 12:30 - 19:00

95 x 5 x 5

Hamstring Curl 20:30 - 28:15
Warm-up 90 x 12
130 x 8 great set
130 x 8
130 x 8 felt strong 
115 x 12 broken set with a few breaths after 6 before finishing. 
Constant tension, no jerking or pulling. Form perfect in every rep

Calf Raises 29:30 - 39:15

145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 

Dropped weight from 175 to 145 to focus more on shortening the muscle to the max, rather than pumping out reps. I think there's an inch or two of gold that you're not mining. 

This sucks!!! I almost quit 4 times. Keep this weight for a while. Form is everything. 

SL 41:00 - 47:00

SL/PE10: 4x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

MN 47:45 - 53:45

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 55#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

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Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Total time: 48:15 (:15 slower. Progressed on FL and sPL and RC)

Weight : 170 this AM. Cals around 2000. 

FL 0-7:00

FL/PE13: 5x5r x 15s (30s mastery) All sets perfect. Great tension and body shape.

Inverted Hang

10s FL/PE10-iM for each work set

Low Bridge

Good set! 

sPL 7:45 - 16:30

SPL/SE2: 5x25s used Dumbbells for last few sets. Felt great. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows. Last set :25. Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends above navel. Hang way off bench!

Bonus Stuff 18:45 - 26:00

Pseudo Planche Push-ups (feet on smith bar, on 4th hook) allows me to really lean forward, more so than on a bench. Nice find. Hands on perfect push-up thingies or dumbbells. 

Really tough today! Must be getting more out of SPL training. Spent extra time getting shape right. When body is hollow, this is much tougher. Go back to 8 reps next week. Keep body hollow. 

5 sets of 8. Great sets. 

HBP 27:30- 38:20

HBP/PE15: 5x3r first three sets 4. Last 2 sets 3. Good progress. Felt strong today. 

Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took :30 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 39:15 - 48:00

RC/PE14: 5x3r Good set 

Wide grip L-sit Pull-up

5r RC/PE14-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. Tried today and they are brutal. 

Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Did whole workout at gym, so shaved several min off from not driving home. Not using rings for now. 

Bonus: 3 sets of rear felt DB raises #25 x 10

Monday, November 23, 2015

G7 GST B Deadlift

Total time: 52:15

Good pace, good workout. :45 faster than last best, but progressed on SLS, DL, and SL. 

SLS 0 - 13:30 

SLS/SE3: 5rx5 (mastery)

Do one more week at Rxi

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 14:45 -34:45 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

350 x 5 (skipped today-still feeling a bit weak-do Rx next week) felt pretty good. Energy feels a little low, but managed to get 5. Probably had a 6 and maybe a 7. Belted. Last week I only hit two coming back from a little back tweak, so happy with today. 

315 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt light.  (Started this set at 23:30)

315 x 6 no belt Good set. Straight through, quick reps. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. 325 next week (Started this set at 26:45)

 Conventional DL

290 x 8 Great set. Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 30:15)

290 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 33:45)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

SL 39:00 - 45:15

SL/PE10: 4x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

MN 46:00 - 52:15

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

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Friday, November 20, 2015

GST B Squat

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

Barbell Squat 12:45- 29:45

135 x 8 ATG

225 x 6 ATG

275 x 3 ATG brutal! Great depth and form. Belted. Perfect set. Felt much stronger than last few werks

(23:45) 225 x 8 no belt. ATG. Perfect set. Great form, the last two a bit tough but easier than previous weeks. Stay in the cave! Come for me Gmork! Atreyuuuuu!!!!

28:15) 225 x 8 no belt. ATG. Wow! Nice work! Great weight. Mentally tough tobit tough,  end, but once I committed, the strength is there. 

I think you could do 235 next week. 

SL 33:00 - 42:30

SL/PE10: 4x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, Th is f done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

MN 43:15 - 52:00

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 55#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

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Thursday, November 19, 2015


Total time: 48:00 (much slower than last time, but progressed on a few movements. Felt like a good pace today.)

Weight : 168 this AM. Cals around 2000. This past week I've hovered around 1900-2000 to undo last week's damage. Progress pic:

Note: Still not 100%, but tracked time anyway. Shave it off as you go. 

FL 0-5:45

FL/PE13: 5x5r x 10s (30s mastery) All sets perfect. Great tension and body shape. Go :15 next week. 

Inverted Hang

10s FL/PE10-iM for each work set

Low Bridge

Good set! 

sPL 7:45 - 16:30

SPL/SE2: 5x20s used Dumbbells for last few sets. Felt great. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows. Last set :25. Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

Go to :25 each set next week

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends above navel. Hang way off bench!

Bonus Stuff 18:45 - 26:00

Pseudo Planche Push-ups (feet on smith bar, on 4th hook) allows me to really lean forward, more so than on a bench. Nice find. Hands on perfect push-up thingies or dumbbells. 

Really tough today! Must be getting more out of SPL training. Spent extra time getting shape right. When body is hollow, this is much tougher. Go back to 8 reps next week. Keep body hollow. 

5 sets of 8. Great sets. 

HBP 27:30- 38:20

HBP/PE15: 5x3r first three sets 4. Last 2 sets 3. Good progress. Felt strong today. 

Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took :30 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 39:15 - 48:00

RC/PE13: 5x5r Good set 

Wide grip Pull-up

5r RC/PE13-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. Tried today and they are brutal. 

Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Did whole workout at gym, so shaved several min off from not driving home. Not using rings for now. 

Bonus: 3 sets of rear felt DB raises #25 x 10

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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

F7 GST B Hamstring & Calves


Total time 62:00

SLS 0 - 15:30

SLS/SE3 4rx5

Do 5r next time

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. 

Jefferson Curls 17:30 - 23:30

95 x 5 x 5

Hamstring Curl 24:30 - 33:30
Warm-up 90 x 12
130 x 8 great set
130 x 8
115 x 12 felt strong 
115 x 12 broken set with a few breaths after 6 before finishing. 
Constant tension, no jerking or pulling. Form perfect in every rep

Calf Raises 34:30 - 44:45

145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 

Dropped weight from 175 to 145 to focus more on shortening the muscle to the max, rather than pumping out reps. I think there's an inch or two of gold that you're not mining. 

This sucks!!! I almost quit 4 times. Keep this weight for a while. Form is everything. 

SL 46:30 - 55:30

SL/PE10: 4x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

MN 56:30 - 62:00

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 55#

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. 

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Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Total time: 39:30 (same as last workout)

Note: Sick all week. Yesterday was first day back in gym. Did whole workout today, but didn't push pace at all. Left all times and numbers as benchmark for next workout.  

FL 0-6:15

FL/PE13: 5x5r x 10s (30s mastery) All sets perfect. Great tension and body shape. Go :15 next week. 

Inverted Hang

10s FL/PE10-iM for each work set

Low Bridge

Good set! 

sPL 7:45 - 16:00

SPL/SE2: 5x20s used Dumbbells for last few sets. Felt great. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows. Last set :25. Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

Go to :20 each set next week

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends above navel. Hang way off bench!

Bonus Stuff 17:15 - 22:45

Pseudo Planche Push-ups (feet on smith bar, on 4th hook) allows me to really lean forward, more so than on a bench. Nice find. Hands on perfect push-up thingies or dumbbells. 

Really tough today! Must be getting more out of SPL training. Spent extra time getting shape right. When body is hollow, this is much tougher. Go back to 8 reps next week. Keep body hollow. 

5 sets of 8. Great sets. 

HBP 24:00- 32:00

HBP/PE15: 5x3r first set 5. last set only 2. Rough!

Negative Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took :30 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 33:15 - 39:30

RC/PE13: 5x5r Good set 

Wide grip Pull-up

5r RC/PE13-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. Tried today and they are brutal. 

Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Did whole workout at gym, so shaved several min off from not driving home. Not using rings for now. 

Bonus: 3 sets of rear felt DB raises #25 x 10

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Monday, November 16, 2015

F7 GST B Deadlift

Scaled a bit today. Sick all week. First day back since last Monday. Made notes where scaled, but left time alone so you could keep previous benchmarks. Diet was shite. Visible fat gain over the week. Probably up 3 pounds. Easily 2500-3000 cals a day. 🐷🐷Reel it in fella. 

SLS 0 - 10:30 

SLS/SE3: 4rx5 

Do 5r next time

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 14:00 -35:45 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

350 x 5 (skipped today-still feeling a bit weak-do Rx next week) felt pretty good. Energy feels a little low, but managed to get 5. Probably had a 6 and maybe a 7. Belted. Last week I only hit two coming back from a little back tweak, so happy with today. 

315 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt light.  (Started this set at 23:00)

315 x 6 no belt Good set. Straight through, quick reps. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. 325 next week (Started this set at 26:15)

 Conventional DL

285 x 8 Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 30:15)

285 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 33:45)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

SL 39:30 - 45:00 

SL/PE10: 3x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, but if done on Smith Machine, you can get full ROM. 

5r SL/PE10-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

MN 46:00 - 53:00

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Total time: 39:30 (same as last workout)

Note: feeling a little under the weather today. Energy really low. Did whole workout, but didn't push pace at all. Kept all numbers for next workout in order to keep standard high. 

FL 0-6:15

FL/PE13: 5x5r x 10s (30s mastery) All sets perfect. Great tension and body shape. Go :15 next week. 

Inverted Hang

10s FL/PE10-iM for each work set

Low Bridge

Good set! 

sPL 7:45 - 16:00

SPL/SE2: 5x20s used Dumbbells for last few sets. Felt great. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows. Last set :25. Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

Go to :20 each set next week

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends above navel. Hang way off bench!

Bonus Stuff 17:15 - 22:45

Pseudo Planche Push-ups (feet on smith bar, on 4th hook) allows me to really lean forward, more so than on a bench. Nice find. Hands on perfect push-up thingies or dumbbells. 

Really tough today! Must be getting more out of SPL training. Spent extra time getting shape right. When body is hollow, this is much tougher. Go back to 8 reps next week. Keep hips high and body hollow. 

5 sets of 8. Great sets. 

HBP 24:00- 32:00

HBP/PE15: 5x3r first set 5. last set only 2. Rough!

Negative Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took :30 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 33:15 - 39:30

RC/PE13: 5x5r Good set 

Wide grip Pull-up

5r RC/PE13-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. Tried today and they are brutal. 

Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Did whole workout at gym, so shaved several min off from not driving home. Not using rings for now. 

Bonus: 3 sets of rear felt DB raises #25 x 10

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Monday, November 9, 2015

F7 GST B Deadlift

Total time 53:00

Upped calories a bit this past week. Last week all my lifts felt weak. Felt much better today. Probably averaged 2200-2300 cals up from 2000-2100. Ab check as of this am:

SLS 0 - 9:30 SLS/SE3: 3rx5 

Do 5r next time

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 15:00 -35:45 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

350 x 5 felt pretty good. Energy feels a little low, but managed to get 5. Probably had a 6 and maybe a 7. Belted. Last week I only hit two coming back from a little back tweak, so happy with today. 

315 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Felt light.  (Started this set at 23:00)

315 x 6 no belt Good set. Straight through, quick reps. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. 325 next week (Started this set at 26:15)

 Conventional DL

285 x 8 Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 30:15)

285 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 33:45)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

SL 39:30 - 45:00 

SL/PE10: 3x8r

1/2 Windshield Wipers

Tough without back support, plus handles from leg raise apparatus gets in the way. Legs slightly bent to clear handles. 

5r SL/PE6-iM for each work set

Bent Hurdler Hold 10#

Last set of mobility was awful. Lower back on fire!!!

MN 46:00 - 53:00

MN/PE9: 3x3r

V to L Hanging Leg Lifts

These are brutal! Legs coming down with momentum are very hard to stop. I know these would be easier with back support, but I don't have that luxury right now. 

5r MN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Squats 

Killers. Make sure knees lock out on every rep. 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

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Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Total time: 39:30 (same as last workout)

FL 0-6:15

FL/PE13: 5x5r x 10s (30s mastery) All sets perfect. Great tension and body shape. Go :15 next week. 

Inverted Hang

10s FL/PE10-iM for each work set

Low Bridge

Good set! 

sPL 7:45 - 16:00

SPL/SE2: 5x20s used Dumbbells for last few sets. Felt great. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows. Last set :25. Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

Go to :20 each set next week

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends above navel. Hang way off bench!

Bonus Stuff 17:15 - 22:45

Pseudo Planche Push-ups (feet on smith bar, on 4th hook) allows me to really lean forward, more so than on a bench. Nice find. Hands on perfect push-up thingies or dumbbells. 

Really tough today! Must be getting more out of SPL training. Spent extra time getting shape right. When body is hollow, this is much tougher. Go back to 8 reps next week. Keep hips high and body hollow. 

5 sets of 8. Great sets. 

HBP 24:00- 32:00

HBP/PE15: 5x3r first set 5. last set only 2. Rough!

Negative Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took :30 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 33:15 - 39:30

RC/PE13: 5x5r Good set 

Wide grip Pull-up

5r RC/PE13-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. Tried today and they are brutal. 

Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Did whole workout at gym, so shaved several min off from not driving home. Not using rings for now. 

Bonus: 3 sets of rear felt DB raises #25 x 10

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, November 6, 2015


Total time 53:00

SLS 0-9:30 sucky. 

SLS/SE5: 5x3r

Single Leg Squat 

5r SLS/SE3 -iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raise

Good set. Minimize arm involvement in both eccentric and concentric movement

Barbell Squat 11:30 - 29:15

135 x 8 ATG

225 x 8 ATG

225 x 8 no belt. ATG

Cosak Squats bar x 8 per side x 2 sets

SL 30:15- 40:15

SL/PE6: 5x10r

Circling Arch Ups

5r SL/PE6-iM for each work set 

Outside Inside Outside Backs

I'm doing 6r (3 each direction)


MN 41:20 - 53:00

MN/PE7: 5x5r

Under Grip Hanging Leg Lifts

Focus on compression happening at hips, not lats pulling away from bar. Makes ALL the difference. Watch that form. Gets tough!

30s MN/PE7-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Hold (55#)

Great job today. A few min longer, but progressed on SLS to mastery and really focused on killer form on squats. Bringing ATG on every rep to really strengthen all aspects of the movement and maximize mobility. Energy low today. Really feeling the calorie restriction. 

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Thursday, November 5, 2015


Total time: 39:30 (1 min faster than last workout)

FL 0-6:15

FL/PE13: 5x5r x 10s (30s mastery) All sets perfect. Great tension and body shape. Go :15 next week. 

Inverted Hang

10s FL/PE10-iM for each work set

Low Bridge

Good set! 

sPL 7:45 - 16:00

SPL/SE2: 5x20s used Dumbbells for last few sets. Felt great. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows. Last set :25. Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

Go to :20 each set next week

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends above navel. Hang way off bench!

Bonus Stuff 17:15 - 22:45

Pseudo Planche Push-ups (feet on smith bar, on 4th hook) allows me to really lean forward, more so than on a bench. Nice find. Hands on perfect push-up thingies or dumbbells. 

Really tough today! Must be getting more out of SPL training. Spent extra time getting shape right. When body is hollow, this is much tougher. Go back to 8 reps next week. Keep hips high and body hollow. 

5 sets of 8. Great sets. 

HBP 24:00- 32:00

HBP/PE15: 5x3r first set 5. last set only 2. Rough!

Negative Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took :30 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 33:15 - 39:30

RC/PE13: 5x5r Good set 

Wide grip Pull-up

5r RC/PE13-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. Tried today and they are brutal. 

Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Did whole workout at gym, so shaved several min off from not driving home. Not using rings for now. 

Bonus: 3 sets of rear felt DB raises #25 x 10

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Wednesday, November 4, 2015

F7 GST B Hamstrings/Calves (DELOAD)

Total time 39:30 (DELOAD)

SLS 0 - 6:00

SLS/SE4: 3rx5 

Negative Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Jefferson Curls 7:30 - 11:30

95 x 3 x 5

Hamstring Curl 12:30 - 19:45
Warm-up 90 x 12
115 x 10
115 x 10
115 x 10 

Constant tension, no jerking or pulling. Form perfect in every rep

Calf Raises 20:45 - 27:00

145 x 10 per position 
145 x 10 per position 

Dropped weight from 175 to 145 to focus more on shortening the muscle to the max, rather than pumping out reps. I think there's an inch or two of gold that you're not mining. 

This sucks!!! I almost quit 4 times. Keep this weight for a while. Form is everything. 

SL 28:00 - 33:00

SL/PE6: 3x10r

Circling Arch Ups

Last very last set in one direction was rough! Keep it here for another week or two. 

5r SL/PE6-iM for each work set 

Outside Inside Outside Backs

Last set of mobility was awful. Lower back on fire!!!

MN 35:00 - 39:30

MN/PE8: 3x5r mastery

Under grip Hanging Leg Lifts

1r 30sMN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Hold (55#)

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace. Time a bit longer, but several mobility drills require TUT. Plus, progressed to mastery on MN and SLS. 

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Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Total time: 40:30 (:30 faster than last workout)

FL 0-4:45

FL/PE13: 3x5r x 10s (30s mastery) All sets perfect. Great tension and body shape. 

Inverted Hang

10s FL/PE10-iM for each work set

Low Bridge

Good set! 

sPL 5:45 - 11:45

SPL/SE2: 3x20s used Dumbbells for last few sets. Felt great. 

Advanced Frog stand

Good sets. Keep arms straight. Really focusing on driving hips up off elbows. Last set :25. Great quality reps. Shoulders high and body hollow. Great tension in the right places. 

Go to :20 each set next week

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Planche double leg extension. Bench ends above navel. Hang way off bench!

Bonus Stuff 13:15 - 18:00

Pseudo Planche Push-ups (feet on smith bar, on 4th hook) allows me to really lean forward, more so than on a bench. Nice find. Hands on perfect push-up thingies or dumbbells. 

Really tough today! Must be getting more out of SPL training. Spent extra time getting shape right. When body is hollow, this is much tougher. Go back to 8 reps next week. Keep hips high and body hollow. 

3 sets of 8. Great sets. 

HBP 19:00- 24:05

HBP/PE15: 3x4r Felt strong today

Negative Headstand Push-up 

*focus on keeping body in line. Bar set in 3rd hole from top. Took :30 rest between sets to allow better performance. Shoulders tire quickly. I know it will affect time, but I'm more concerned with quality than speed. 

10r HBP/PE15-iM for each work set

Bent Arm Prone Rep

RC 25:00 - 30:00

RC/PE13: 3x5r Good set 

Wide grip Pull-up

5r RC/PE13-iM for each work set

One more week and then do L-sits. Tried today and they are brutal. 

Shoulder distraction 90# on cable machine

Did whole workout at gym, so shaved several min off from not driving home. Not using rings for now. 

Bonus: 3 sets of rear felt DB raises #25 x 10

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Monday, November 2, 2015


Total time 55:30 

Use last week's numbers for resuming workouts! Today's numbers are a deload! 

SLS 0 - 10:45

SLS/SE5: 3rx5 (first week doing this progression)

Single Leg Squat

5r SLS/SE3-iM for each work set

Glute Ham Raises 

Fries hamstrings. Wow. Focus on minimizing arm assistance on both eccentric and concentric phase. Toughie!

Sumo Deadlift 13:30 -36:30 (all DL sets)

225 x 6

350 x 2 felt really weak. Energy feels fine, but strength in the toilet.  Belted. 

225 x 6 no belt. Great form, straight through. Energy low. Need more carbs on Sunday. (Started this set at 24:00)

225 x 6 no belt Good set. Straight through, quick reps. Focus on maintaining form. Great weight, great effort. 325 next week (Started this set at 27:15)

 Conventional DL

275 x 8 Good weight. Felt very strong. Non-dominant grip. (Started set at 32:15)

275 x  8 really good weight. Great set. Tough last few. Nice grind. (Set started at 35:15)

Keep weight at least another week until both sets are fairly smooth straight through. 

SL 39:30 - 47:30 

SL/PE6: 3x10r

Circling Arch Ups

Last very last set in one direction was rough! Keep it here for another week or two. 

5r SL/PE6-iM for each work set 

Outside Inside Outside Backs

Last set of mobility was awful. Lower back on fire!!!

MN 49:00 - 55:30

MN/PE8: 3x5r

Under grip Hanging Leg Lifts

Go to 5 sets next week

1r 30sMN/PE8-iM for each work set

Weighted Bench Pike Hold 

Overall a great workout. Way to push the pace.

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