Weight: 175.4
Bench Press (DB)
70 x 8
80 x 2
90 x 2
100 x 2
105 x 2
95 x 4
Bat Wings
65 x 10 sec hold x 5 (last set 20 sec)
One Arm Press
40 x 2-3-5 per
45 x 2-3-5 per
50 x 2-3-5
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 2
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 3
125, 125, 125
3 sets
Good weight. Military presses rough
High Rep Squats
95 x 10
115 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 5 nice mind/muscle focus
185 x 5
185 x 5
Good solid reps. A to g all the way through.
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Monday, February 25, 2013
Workout 4/12
Weight: 174.8 weight is dropping.
Anaerobic impact on muscle synthesis and fat oxidation? Keep cals steady for another week or two before making caloric adjustments.
Bench Press
135 x 8
135 x 8
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
Shoulder pinching on heavy sets of 5. Go to DB for a few weeks.
Bat Wings
60 x 25 sec hold x 3
One Arm Press
40 x 2-3-5 per
45 x 2-3-5 per
50 x 2-3-5
50 x 2-3-5
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 2
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 5
95, 115, 115, 115, 115
5 sets
Awful. Awful. Awful.
High Rep Squats
95 x 10
115 x 10
135 x 50 (25, 10, 5, 10)
Rader Pullovers
40 x 20
Anaerobic impact on muscle synthesis and fat oxidation? Keep cals steady for another week or two before making caloric adjustments.
Bench Press
135 x 8
135 x 8
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
Shoulder pinching on heavy sets of 5. Go to DB for a few weeks.
Bat Wings
60 x 25 sec hold x 3
One Arm Press
40 x 2-3-5 per
45 x 2-3-5 per
50 x 2-3-5
50 x 2-3-5
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 2
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 5
95, 115, 115, 115, 115
5 sets
Awful. Awful. Awful.
High Rep Squats
95 x 10
115 x 10
135 x 50 (25, 10, 5, 10)
Rader Pullovers
40 x 20
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Recharge #2
Weight: 175.8
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
135 x 8
135 x 8
185 x 8
205 x 8
205 x 8
205 x 8
DB Snatch
80 x 5 per arm
85 x 5 per arm
85 x 5 per arm
90 x 1 each not bad
100 x 1 each. Tough effort. Felt good.
Up weight next time
BW x 12
BW x 12 (5+3+1+1+2)
BW x 12 (5+2+2+1+2)
Chins x 15 (6+4+3+2)
Incline DB Curl
Up weight next time
BW x 12
BW x 12 (5+3+1+1+2)
BW x 12 (5+2+2+1+2)
Chins x 15 (6+4+3+2)
Incline DB Curl
35 x 8 per
35 x 6 per
35 x 8 per (broken)
Reverse EZ Curls
45 x 15 rough set
Weighted Dips
45 x 13
45 x 11
Weighted Dips
45 x 13
45 x 11
45 x 8
BW x 15
Scott BW Tricep Presses
BW x 6
BW x 5
Calf Raise Machine
200 x 10 per 3 angle x 2 sets
Calf Raise on Leg Press
6 plates x 12
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Monday, February 18, 2013
Workout 3/14
Weight: 177
Bench Press
135 x 8
135 x 8
2-3-5 x 205
2-3-5 x 205
2-3-5 x 205
185 x 10
Bat Wings
55 x 5 sec hold x 5
Last set 30 sec hold.
One Arm Press
40 x 2-3-5 per
45 x 2-3-5 per
50 x 2-3-5
Cut last set due to time
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 3
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 5
95, 95, 95
3 sets
Still feeling a bit under the weather. Rough set. Very lightheaded after each set.
High Rep Squats
45 x 5
95 x 30
115 x 30
135 x 15
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Bench Press
135 x 8
135 x 8
2-3-5 x 205
2-3-5 x 205
2-3-5 x 205
185 x 10
Bat Wings
55 x 5 sec hold x 5
Last set 30 sec hold.
One Arm Press
40 x 2-3-5 per
45 x 2-3-5 per
50 x 2-3-5
Cut last set due to time
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 3
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 5
95, 95, 95
3 sets
Still feeling a bit under the weather. Rough set. Very lightheaded after each set.
High Rep Squats
45 x 5
95 x 30
115 x 30
135 x 15
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Friday, February 15, 2013
Workout 2/14
Weight: 175.6
Bench Press
Bench Press
135 x 8
135 x 8
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
Bat Wings
30 x 10 sec hold x 5
One Arm Press
40 x 2-3-5 per
45 x 2-3-5 per
50 x 2-3-5
45 x 2-3-5
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 3
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 5
95, 95, 95
3 sets
Great sets
Bat Wings
30 x 10 sec hold x 5
One Arm Press
40 x 2-3-5 per
45 x 2-3-5 per
50 x 2-3-5
45 x 2-3-5
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 3
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 5
95, 95, 95
3 sets
Great sets
High Rep Squats
95 x 30
115 x 30 great weight
Calories: 2398
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Recharge Workout
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
135 x 8
135 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
DB Snatch
80 x 5 per arm
85 x 5 per arm
85 x 5 per arm
Up weight next time
BW x 12
BW x 12 (5+3+1+1)
BW x 12 (5+2+2+1+2)
Chins x 15 (6+4+3+2)
Arm supersets
EZ Curl 21s 45 x 3 sets
Super set with:
Single Arm Cable Press Downs
70 x 12 x 3
No rest between exercises, maybe 30-60 sec between supersets
Calf Raise Machine
200 x 10 per 3 angle x 2 sets
Stiff Legged Deadlifts
135 x 8
135 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
DB Snatch
80 x 5 per arm
85 x 5 per arm
85 x 5 per arm
Up weight next time
BW x 12
BW x 12 (5+3+1+1)
BW x 12 (5+2+2+1+2)
Chins x 15 (6+4+3+2)
Arm supersets
EZ Curl 21s 45 x 3 sets
Super set with:
Single Arm Cable Press Downs
70 x 12 x 3
No rest between exercises, maybe 30-60 sec between supersets
Calf Raise Machine
200 x 10 per 3 angle x 2 sets
Monday, February 11, 2013
Workout 1/14
Bench Press
135 x 8
195 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 2
Bat Wings
30 x 8 + 10 sec hold x 3
One Arm Press
Up the rack x 2-5
40 x 5 per
45 x 5 per
50 x 5 per
50 x 5 per
50 x 5 per
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 2
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 3
65, 95, 95
3 sets
High Rep Squats
95 x 30
Notes: pretty easy today. Got a good weight benchmark an will be ready for Friday.
Calories: 2377
Bench Press
135 x 8
195 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
225 x 2
Bat Wings
30 x 8 + 10 sec hold x 3
One Arm Press
Up the rack x 2-5
40 x 5 per
45 x 5 per
50 x 5 per
50 x 5 per
50 x 5 per
Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 2
BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 3
65, 95, 95
3 sets
High Rep Squats
95 x 30
Notes: pretty easy today. Got a good weight benchmark an will be ready for Friday.
Calories: 2377
State of the Union, Pre-Bulk
Today I'm going to start a 6 week bulking phase patterned after high rep squat principles and Dan John's MMS. I wanted to jot down thoughts on training over the past few months, so I can resume the things that have worked and weed out things that haven't once the 6 weeks are up.
First, my training cycles have been fairly consistent and straight forward. I've maintained Monday as a DL centric day, Wednesday as a chest centric day and Friday as a squat centric day. Following each complex movement, I select a few accessory lifts and then a few secondary lifts so each major muscle group is hit directly or indirectly every workout.
Regarding diet, I have slowly dropped calories to drop bodyfat while keeping lean muscle mass. Currently, I'm around 175, and would estimate bodyfat to be somewhere around 15%. Ideally, I should drop to 10-12% before doing a bulk phase, but I'm not going to jumt to 4000 calories and blow up like a balloon. Each week I'll increase cals and monitor weight and BF via calipers. If there is too drastic a swing, I'll drop cals to a level that's just above maintenance. I'd like to be at 175 with 8% BF, so I need to put on a good 10 pounds of lean mass. It may take two or three bulking cycles to do it, but I've never really bulked seriously, so I'm curious to see what will happen.
I've tapered down from about 2100 cals on workout days and 1900 cals on rest days to about 1900 cals on workout and 1700 on rest days. My macro breakdown has been about 180 g protein, and then dividing the balance of the cals between fat and carbs, skewing a bit higher towards carbs on work days and higher towards fat on rest days. (Carbs about 200+/100 respectively. Fat about 30-35/40-50) The last few weeks, I've increased protein to over 200 and that has seemed to help actually.
I'll start this week at 2100 cals for workout days and 1800 on rest days. I'll keep macros about the same.
Regarding intermittent fasting through the bulk, I'm going to still try it, but I will differ only in that I will take a scoop of protein an hour before I train, and drink 10g BCAAs throughout the workout. If I get an upset stomach, or feel like I can't digest the extra food quickly enough, perhaps I'll add a small meal earlier, but I really want to keep maximizing fat oxidation wherever I can without expending too much energy.
The one thing I'm a little concerned about is dropping deadlifts and heavy weighted chins from my program for 6 weeks. I don't think there will be much drop in strength, but I know that with high rep squats, my body can't do both. I have to focus on the goal to get bigger and add more lean mass, then I can focus on strength gains again. Good luck, sir.
First, my training cycles have been fairly consistent and straight forward. I've maintained Monday as a DL centric day, Wednesday as a chest centric day and Friday as a squat centric day. Following each complex movement, I select a few accessory lifts and then a few secondary lifts so each major muscle group is hit directly or indirectly every workout.
Regarding diet, I have slowly dropped calories to drop bodyfat while keeping lean muscle mass. Currently, I'm around 175, and would estimate bodyfat to be somewhere around 15%. Ideally, I should drop to 10-12% before doing a bulk phase, but I'm not going to jumt to 4000 calories and blow up like a balloon. Each week I'll increase cals and monitor weight and BF via calipers. If there is too drastic a swing, I'll drop cals to a level that's just above maintenance. I'd like to be at 175 with 8% BF, so I need to put on a good 10 pounds of lean mass. It may take two or three bulking cycles to do it, but I've never really bulked seriously, so I'm curious to see what will happen.
I've tapered down from about 2100 cals on workout days and 1900 cals on rest days to about 1900 cals on workout and 1700 on rest days. My macro breakdown has been about 180 g protein, and then dividing the balance of the cals between fat and carbs, skewing a bit higher towards carbs on work days and higher towards fat on rest days. (Carbs about 200+/100 respectively. Fat about 30-35/40-50) The last few weeks, I've increased protein to over 200 and that has seemed to help actually.
I'll start this week at 2100 cals for workout days and 1800 on rest days. I'll keep macros about the same.
Regarding intermittent fasting through the bulk, I'm going to still try it, but I will differ only in that I will take a scoop of protein an hour before I train, and drink 10g BCAAs throughout the workout. If I get an upset stomach, or feel like I can't digest the extra food quickly enough, perhaps I'll add a small meal earlier, but I really want to keep maximizing fat oxidation wherever I can without expending too much energy.
The one thing I'm a little concerned about is dropping deadlifts and heavy weighted chins from my program for 6 weeks. I don't think there will be much drop in strength, but I know that with high rep squats, my body can't do both. I have to focus on the goal to get bigger and add more lean mass, then I can focus on strength gains again. Good luck, sir.
Pre-Bulk Measurements
Weight: 175
Right Arm
14 1/8 straight
15 1/8 flexed
Forearm 12
Left Arm
14 1/8 straight
15 flexed
Forearm 11.75
Waist 32.5
Hips across bootie 38
Across belly button - 33
Chest, just above nips, arms down - 40
Around shoulders 49.5
Right Thigh 22
Left Thigh 22
Right Calf 15.25
Left Calf 15
Caliper Measurements
Abdominal (just right of belly button) 14mm
Thigh (midway down vertical) 6mm
Tricep 3mm
Suprailiac (left side, follow man root) 4mm
Friday, February 8, 2013
Weight: 174.8
Deep Squats
135 x 8
225 x 6
265 x 6 good form.
245 x 5 perfect form through set.
245 x 6 great form. Tough 5, but not bad.
245 x 5 bowed a bit on 5.
Up work set reps to 6. Top set stay to 5 then go up.
Bulgarian Squat
80 x 8 each leg L/R yuck.
80 x 8 R/L (Left 4+4) almost collapsed on final rep.
80 x 8 L/R per leg. 4+4 both legs
Up weight to 80 next time.
Jump Squats x 20 (5+5+5+5) yuck.
Seated Military DB Press
40 x 12 Easy 12
40 x 12 (9+3) Tough last few.
40 x 13 (10+3)
40 x 12 (great set
Scott Tricep Presses
140 x 12
140 x 12 tough last few
140 x 11
Close Grip EZ Bar Press
85 x 12
85 x 12
85 x 14
Up weight next time
Tricep Cable Press Downs
Burnouts down stack
Deep Squats
135 x 8
225 x 6
265 x 6 good form.
245 x 5 perfect form through set.
245 x 6 great form. Tough 5, but not bad.
245 x 5 bowed a bit on 5.
Up work set reps to 6. Top set stay to 5 then go up.
Bulgarian Squat
80 x 8 each leg L/R yuck.
80 x 8 R/L (Left 4+4) almost collapsed on final rep.
80 x 8 L/R per leg. 4+4 both legs
Up weight to 80 next time.
Jump Squats x 20 (5+5+5+5) yuck.
Seated Military DB Press
40 x 12 Easy 12
40 x 12 (9+3) Tough last few.
40 x 13 (10+3)
40 x 12 (great set
Scott Tricep Presses
140 x 12
140 x 12 tough last few
140 x 11
Close Grip EZ Bar Press
85 x 12
85 x 12
85 x 14
Up weight next time
Tricep Cable Press Downs
Burnouts down stack
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Weight: 175
Incline Press
70 x 8
100 x 5 great set. Felt very strong. Had spotter help on
85 x 7 great set.
85 x 6 tough last rep.
85 x 6 Good weight/effort. Go until 6 on each set.
60 sec rest then:
75 x 5
Great set. Keep work weight at 85 and increase top set to 100
Ring flys + press superset
BW x 10 straight set.
BW x 10 each (5+3+2)
BW x 10 each (4+2+2+2)
BW Maltese x 5 yowzers! Super strict. Strong control.
BW Maltese x 3
Scott Clavicular Presses
50 x 12
50 x 12
50 x 13 + 12 burns
Kind of irritates shoulders. Maybe not a great one to keep in the rotation.
Pullovers DB
70 x 10 tough set
70 x Last few rough, but you made it. Last one a fight.
70 x brutal set. keep this weight for a few more weeks for joint purposes. Feeling a bit of a pull.
Calf raise machine
200 x 30 (10/10/10 toes forward, out, and in) x 2 sets
DB calf raises
25 DB in one hand x 10 per foot x 2 sets.
Seated Incline DB Curls
35 x 8 per. Good weight
35 x 8 a little fight on 8, but not bad. Might be a touch light.
35 x 8 broken set. (6+2)
Superman cable curls burnouts
35 x 12. Wow. Great set. Very tough.
Next week Scott EZ Supersets
Incline Press
70 x 8
100 x 5 great set. Felt very strong. Had spotter help on
85 x 7 great set.
85 x 6 tough last rep.
85 x 6 Good weight/effort. Go until 6 on each set.
60 sec rest then:
75 x 5
Great set. Keep work weight at 85 and increase top set to 100
Ring flys + press superset
BW x 10 straight set.
BW x 10 each (5+3+2)
BW x 10 each (4+2+2+2)
BW Maltese x 5 yowzers! Super strict. Strong control.
BW Maltese x 3
Scott Clavicular Presses
50 x 12
50 x 12
50 x 13 + 12 burns
Kind of irritates shoulders. Maybe not a great one to keep in the rotation.
Pullovers DB
70 x 10 tough set
70 x Last few rough, but you made it. Last one a fight.
70 x brutal set. keep this weight for a few more weeks for joint purposes. Feeling a bit of a pull.
Calf raise machine
200 x 30 (10/10/10 toes forward, out, and in) x 2 sets
DB calf raises
25 DB in one hand x 10 per foot x 2 sets.
Seated Incline DB Curls
35 x 8 per. Good weight
35 x 8 a little fight on 8, but not bad. Might be a touch light.
35 x 8 broken set. (6+2)
Superman cable curls burnouts
35 x 12. Wow. Great set. Very tough.
Next week Scott EZ Supersets
Monday, February 4, 2013
Weight: 175.8
225 x 5
335 x 4 strong set.
315 x 4 good set.
315 x 4
315 x 4 broken set but strong reps
Keep 335 for top set until 5. Also, get those 5 reps in all work sets.
Weighted Pull-ups
BW + 25 x 6 broken
BW + 10 x 6 broken
BW + 10 x 6 broken
BW + 10 x 6 (3+2+1)
BW (chins) x 15 (5+2+2+1+1+1+2+1)
Do weighted chins next week. Alternate each week.
Inverted Rows
BW x 12
BW x 9 to the arm pits. No momentum.
BW x 8 + 5 burns
90 sec rest or less between sets
Handstand holds
35 sec x 2 solid sets. Last set @ 33 sec. Last set still brutal. 90 sec rest between sets. A little improvement there.
DB rear delts
25 x 12 Watch the momentum.
20 x 12. Better. No pivoting of the body. Strict.
20 x 7/10 x 6
10 x 12 wow
225 x 5
335 x 4 strong set.
315 x 4 good set.
315 x 4
315 x 4 broken set but strong reps
Keep 335 for top set until 5. Also, get those 5 reps in all work sets.
Weighted Pull-ups
BW + 25 x 6 broken
BW + 10 x 6 broken
BW + 10 x 6 broken
BW + 10 x 6 (3+2+1)
BW (chins) x 15 (5+2+2+1+1+1+2+1)
Do weighted chins next week. Alternate each week.
Inverted Rows
BW x 12
BW x 9 to the arm pits. No momentum.
BW x 8 + 5 burns
90 sec rest or less between sets
Handstand holds
35 sec x 2 solid sets. Last set @ 33 sec. Last set still brutal. 90 sec rest between sets. A little improvement there.
DB rear delts
25 x 12 Watch the momentum.
20 x 12. Better. No pivoting of the body. Strict.
20 x 7/10 x 6
10 x 12 wow
Friday, February 1, 2013
Weight: 177.4
Deep Squats
135 x 8
225 x 6
265 x 4 good form.
245 x 5 perfect form through set.
245 x 5 great form. Tough 5, but not bad.
245 x 5 bowed a bit on 5.
Up work set reps to 6. Top set stay to 5 then go up.
Bulgarian Squat
80 x 8 each leg L/R yuck.
80 x 8 R/L (Left 4+4) almost collapsed on final rep.
80 x 8 L/R per leg. 4+4 both legs
Up weight to 80 next time.
Jump Squats x 20 (5+5+5+5) yuck.
Seated Military BB Press
135 x 12 spot off rack. Easy 12
165 x 10 spot off rack. Tough last few.
155 x 8 spot off rack. Help on last.
155 x 6 great set. A little help on 8's lockout
Weighted Dips
BW + 50 x 7 fight on last lockout. very strong No pain in elbows. Keep them against body though. Watch form.
BW + 45 x 7 great work. Very controlled.
BW + 45 x 6
BW x 16 all one set! last rep tough
Elbows and shoulders feel a bit strained.
Good weight for another week or two.
Body Weight Scott Tricep Presses
BW x 6
BW x 6 and 6 was a fight.
BW x 5. Tough set. Great workout.
Body flat. Head tucked between arms, lowered all the way to full stretch.
Sent from my iPhone
Deep Squats
135 x 8
225 x 6
265 x 4 good form.
245 x 5 perfect form through set.
245 x 5 great form. Tough 5, but not bad.
245 x 5 bowed a bit on 5.
Up work set reps to 6. Top set stay to 5 then go up.
Bulgarian Squat
80 x 8 each leg L/R yuck.
80 x 8 R/L (Left 4+4) almost collapsed on final rep.
80 x 8 L/R per leg. 4+4 both legs
Up weight to 80 next time.
Jump Squats x 20 (5+5+5+5) yuck.
Seated Military BB Press
135 x 12 spot off rack. Easy 12
165 x 10 spot off rack. Tough last few.
155 x 8 spot off rack. Help on last.
155 x 6 great set. A little help on 8's lockout
Weighted Dips
BW + 50 x 7 fight on last lockout. very strong No pain in elbows. Keep them against body though. Watch form.
BW + 45 x 7 great work. Very controlled.
BW + 45 x 6
BW x 16 all one set! last rep tough
Elbows and shoulders feel a bit strained.
Good weight for another week or two.
Body Weight Scott Tricep Presses
BW x 6
BW x 6 and 6 was a fight.
BW x 5. Tough set. Great workout.
Body flat. Head tucked between arms, lowered all the way to full stretch.
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