Saturday, January 31, 2015

Legs Power (Quad Focus)

Weight: 180

Squat: ( 5/3/1 protocol )
225 x 5
255 x 5
275 x 5 great depth. Tough 5. Still not back to where I was before getting sick.

Deadlift: ( 5/3/1 protocol )
255 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5 did another set at 315. Good set. Tough #5 Go ahead and do Rx next week.

Pause squats: ( light, get used to being in the hole and exploding out):
205 x 5 shoulder width foot placement
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
205 x 5
( 5 second pause )
Good weight. Feels light to squat, but exploding out of the hole still starts pretty slow. Last few sets were tough towards the end

Weighted plank: 3x45 seconds
45 lbs

Seated calf raise: 3 x 10 x 3 positions

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Friday, January 30, 2015

Pull Power

Weight: 179

Pendlay row: 3x5-8
195 x 7
195 x 7 tough last few. Good weight for today.
195 x 6
All sets explosive out of bottom. (Tee hee...explosive out of bottom)
Keep this weight one more week then move to 205.

Weighted Pull ups: 3x5-8
BW + 45 x 6 neutral grip. Good set
BW + 45 x 5 neutral grip. Feels better on shoulder
BW + 45 x 6 good sets. Felt strong.
BW x 15 (8+7)

Mid row: 3x5-8
190 x 6 super strict. Really engaged back. Great set.
190 x 6
190 x 6

DB Curl: 3x5-8
40 x 8
40 x 8
40 x 8

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Push Power

NOTE: I was coming off sick leave so all weights were lowered and volume altered slightly. I didn't want that to be what I based future workouts on, so I'm leaving previous weights and sets here.

Weight: 179

Warmup: 60 x 10

Incline DB Bench Press: 3x3-5
100 x 7 strong set. No spotter
100 x 6 good set. No spotter
100 x 5 Very little shoulder pain. Just shy of lockout on #6 good set.

BB incline press: 3x5-8 (seat set about halfway up)
205 x 8 felt good on shoulder
225 x 6 strong set
205 x 6 failed on 7. Good set.

Standing Single Arm Military DB press: 3x3-5
55 x 8 r/ arm l/ arm 7
50 x 8/7 perfect form. Nice and controlled.
45 x 8 felt light and controlled. Just hit 8.
45 x 9 each. Hard # 9s

CGBP: 2x5-8
Used BB- ease in
155 x 6
155 x 7 tough set. Sticking about 3/4 up.

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Legs Power (Hamstring Focus)

Weight: 177.8

Squat: ( 5/3/1 protocol )
225 x 5 felt a bit heavy for 225. First time squatting and DLing for almost a month. Take it easy.
255 x 5
275 x 5 had a 6, but racked it while it was pretty manageable. Next time, I can push a little harder.

Deadlift: ( 5/3/1 protocol )
255 x 5 easy
315 x 5 felt heavy for 315.
315 x 5 did another set at 315. Good set. Tough #5 Go ahead and do Rx next week.

Deficit deadlifts OR Block Pulls: 3x5
(Romanian Deadlifts)
255 x 5
255 x 5 great weight. Form perfect. 5 tough.
255 x 5 tough 5

Hamstring Curl: 3x5-8 (both pins in #2)
130 x 8
130 x 8
130 x 7 good weight

Barbell rollouts: 3x8
BW x 10 x 3
All the way down, nose to ground. Do this a few weeks and then try from feet.

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Friday, January 23, 2015

Pull Hyper

Weight: 178

DB row: 3x8-12
100 x 10
100 x 9
100 x 8
Dropped a few reps, but it was expected. Focusing on maximal contraction at top of movement. Elbow low and pull high.

Pull-ups: 3x8-12
BW x 8 forward grip.
BW x 8 forward grip
BW x 7
Still feeling really weak here.

Face pulls: 3x8-12
35 x 12 good contraction
35 x 12 keep form strict
35 x 12 wow. Great set. Great focus.

BB curl: 3x8-12
75 x 10
75 x 9
75 x 8

Preacher Single Arm DBCurls: 3x8-12 ( per arm)
25 x 8
22.5 x 11/R 10/L
22.5 x 9

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Thursday, January 22, 2015

Push Hyper (First time back since sick)

Weight: 178

Flat DB fly OR Cable fly: 3 x 8 -12
90 x 8 (first time back since I got sick-reps down a bit. Previously 10 reps)
90 x 7 (previously 9)
90 x 5 (previously 8)
Bonus : 80 x 7 (8)
70 x 7 (8)

Incline BB press: 3x8-12
175 x 8 easy set
175 x 6 (185 x 9 tough #9)
175 x 7 (185 x 7)

Cable Flys
60 x 8
60 x 7
60 x 8
Give full stretch

Side raise: 3x8-12
20 x 15
20 x 13
20 x 12
Last few reps tough on last 2 sets

Scott Overhead Extension: 3x8-12
80 x 12
80 x 9
80 x 7

Pressdown: 3x8-12
65 x 10
65 x 9
65 x 8

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