Monday, January 28, 2013


Weight: 177.8

225 x 5
335 x 3 strong set. Could hit 4 next week.
315 x 4 good set.
315 x 4
315 x 4 broken set but strong reps

Keep 335 for top set until 5. Also, get those 5 reps in all work sets.

Weighted Chins
BW + 45 x 8 broken
BW + 45 x 7 broken
BW + 35 x 8 broken
BW +35 x 7 (4+2+1)
BW (chins) x 15 (5+2+2+1+1+1+2+1)

Do weighted chins next week. Alternate each week.

DB Rows
80 x 8
80 x 8 to the arm pits. No momentum.
80 x 8
90 sec rest or less between sets

Handstand holds
35 sec x 2 solid sets. Last set @ 33 sec. Last set still brutal. 90 sec rest between sets. A little improvement there.

Cable pulls rear delts
30 x 12 Watch the momentum.
30 x 12. Better. No pivoting of the body. Strict.
30 x 12. Very tough. Remained strict. Straight through- no breaks. Do this weight one more week, then up to 35.

Sent from my iPhone

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