Monday, February 25, 2013

Workout 4/12

Weight: 174.8 weight is dropping.

Anaerobic impact on muscle synthesis and fat oxidation? Keep cals steady for another week or two before making caloric adjustments.


Bench Press
135 x 8
135 x 8
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
2-3-5 x 225
Shoulder pinching on heavy sets of 5. Go to DB for a few weeks.

Bat Wings
60 x 25 sec hold x 3

One Arm Press
40 x 2-3-5 per
45 x 2-3-5 per
50 x 2-3-5
50 x 2-3-5

Bird Dog
30 sec per side x 2

BB Complex
Front Squat
Military Press
Back Squat
Good Mornings x 5
95, 115, 115, 115, 115
5 sets
Awful. Awful. Awful.

High Rep Squats
95 x 10
115 x 10
135 x 50 (25, 10, 5, 10)

Rader Pullovers
40 x 20

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