Wednesday, August 12, 2015



FL/PE7: 4x4rx10s 

Negative body lever straddle

Good progress, go to 5x5 next week. 

5r FL/PE7-iM for each work set

Seal Rocks


SPL/SE1: 5x15s

Frog stand

Good sets. All 5 were straight through without losing balance. Go to 20 sec. 

10r SPL/PE7-iM for each work set

Prone half straddle Planche double leg extension 


HBP/PE9: 5x8r

Korean straight bar dip- Tough getting past the booty unless there's a little swing

Going straight through. 10 reps on last set

30s HBP/PE8-iM for each work set

reach underneath static


RC/PE10: 5 x 7r

L sit Pull-up

All five sets straight through. Last set at 8 reps

10r RC/PE10-iM for each work set

High bar stretch

Bonus Stuff

Single arm cable row- full ROM

60 x 8 x 2 good weight, great sets. Maybe try 70 next week?

Tricep cable press downs

95 x 6 x 2

Total time: 

Sent from my iPhone

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