Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Incline Press
65 x 8
90 x 4
80 x 6
80 x 5 good form. Fought a bit for 5.
80 x 4. Good weight. Go until 6 on each set.

Ring flys + press superset
BW x 10 each
BW x 10 each (5+2+3)
BW x 10 each (4+3+2+1)
BW Maltese x 4 yowzers!

Cable flys (low flys)
30 x 8 x 3 chest wide and expanded Wide arms, slight bend; then immediately:
15 x 12 straight arms- no cheat, no pause.

Pullovers DB
55 x 10
55 x 10
55 x 10 up to 60 next time. great set!

Calf raise machine/ BW burnouts
200 x 15 full lockout then 20 BW burnouts
200 x 15/ 20 Wow! FULL lockout to bone support on each rep. Gnarly.
200 x 20 controlled. nice set. Holy crap.

Scott Curl Supersets (straight bar/EZ reverse)
60 x 8/45 x 8
60 x 5/45 x 5
60 x 4/45 x 5 no rest between Supersets at all.

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